Now showing items 499-518 of 738

    • Ozenoxacin, a new effective and safe topical treatment for impetigo in children and adolescents 

      Torrelo, Antonio; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon; Masramon, Xavier; Albareda López, Núria; Zsolt, Ilonka (Dermatology, 2020)
      Background: Ozenoxacin is a topical antibiotic approved in Europe to treat non-bullous impetigo in adults and children aged ≥6 months. This analysis evaluated the efficacy and safety of ozenoxacin in ...
    • Perception of quality of care of patients with potentially severe diseases evaluated at a distinct quick diagnostic delivery model: a cross-sectional study 

      Sanclemente-Ansó, Carmen; Salazar Soler, Albert; Bosch, Xavier; Capdevila, Cristina; Giménez-Requena, Amparo; Rosón-Hernández, Beatriz; Corbella Virós, Xavier (BMC Health Services Research, 2015-09-30)
      Background: Although hospital-based outpatient quick diagnosis units (QDU) are an increasingly recognized cost-effective alternative to hospitalization for the diagnosis of potentially serious diseases, ...
    • The persistent breach between evidence and practice in the prevention of surgical site infection. Qualitative study 

      Badia, Josep M.; Rubio-Pérez, Inés; López-Menéndez, José; Diez, Cecilia; Al-Raies Bolaños, Bader; Ocaña-Guaita, Julia; Meijome, Xose M.; Chamorro-Pons, Manuel; Calderón-Nájera, Ramón; Ortega-Pérez, Gloria; Paredes-Esteban, Rosa; Sánchez-Viguera, Cristina; Vilallonga, Ramon; Picardo, Antonio L.; Bravo-Brañas, Elena; Espin, Eloy; Balibrea, José M.; Spanish Observatory of Surgical Infection (International Journal of Surgery, 2020)
      Background: Despite the dissemination of guidelines for surgical site infection (SSI) prevention, a gap between the theoretical measures and their compliance persists. Accurate estimates of the ...
    • Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis cesioflammea 

      Silecchia, Valeria; Valerio, Enrico; Filippone, Marco; Balao, Laura; Cherubin, Emanuele; Rigon, Luca; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon; Cutrone, Mario (Journal of Respiratory Research, 2019)
      nCPAP-induced nose skin injury is a common issue in NICUs all over the world. Damage may vary from simple hyperemia in the region of application of nasal cannulae up to complete destruction of the ...
    • Pharmacological interventions for preventing complications in patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria: a systematic review 

      Ferre, Natalia; Parada, Ester; Balaguer, Albert; Feliu, Albert; Roqué-Figuls, Marta; A. Franco, Juan Victor; Escribano, Joaquín (Nefrología, 2022)
      Objective: To assess the effects of pharmacological interventions in patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria. Methods: We performed a search of multiple databases, trial registries, grey literature and ...
    • Phosphoregulation of the oncogenic protein regulator of cytokinesis 1 (PRC1) by the atypical CDK16/CCNY complex 

      Hernández Ortega, Sara; Sánchez Botet, Abril; Quandt Herrera, Eva; Masip, Núria; Gasa Colom, Laura; Verde, Gaetano; Jiménez Jiménez, Javier; Levin, Rebecca; Rugatanira, Florentine U.; Burlingame, Alma L.; Wolfgeher, Donald; P.C. Ribeiro, Mariana; Kron, Stephen J.; M. Shokat, Kevan; Clotet Erra, Josep (2019)
      CDK16 (also known as PCTAIRE1 or PCTK1) is an atypical member of the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) family that forms an active complex with cyclin Y (CCNY). Although both proteins have been recently ...
    • Physical and mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic at first year in a Spanish adult cohort 

      Castellvi, Pere; Miranda Mendizabal, Andrea; Recoder, Silvia; Calbo, Esther; Casajuana Closas, Marc; Leiva, David; Manolov, Rumen; Matilla Santander, Nuria; Lloveras Bernat, Isaac; García Forero, Carlos (Scientific Reports, 2023)
      The COVID-19 pandemic and the political and health measures have profoundly affected the health of our populations. However, very few studies have been published assessing its impact using a prospective ...
    • Physicochemical properties of lipoproteins assessed by nuclear magnetic resonance as a predictor of premature cardiovascular disease. PRESARV-SEA study 

      Fernández-Cidón, Bárbara; Candás-Estébanez, Beatriz; Gil-Serret, Miriam; Amigó, Núria; Corbella, Emili; Rodríguez-Sánchez, M. Ángeles; Padró-Miquel, Ariadna; Brotons, Carlos; Hernández-Mijares, Antonio; Calmarza, Pilar; Jarauta, Estibaliz; Brea, Angel J.; Mauri, Marta; Guijarro, Carlos; Vila, Àlex; Valdivielso, Pedro; Corbella Virós, Xavier; Pintó, Xavier (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021)
      Some lipoprotein disorders related to the residual risk of premature cardiovascular disease (PCVD) are not detected by the conventional lipid profile. In this case-control study, the predictive power ...
    • Plataformas digitales y empleo: necesidad de monitorización y vigilancia de Salud Pública 

      Matilla-Santander, Nuria; Martínez-Sánchez, José María (Revista Española de Salud Publica, 2018)
      Actualmente, la relación entre las condiciones del trabajo y empleo con la salud es bien conocida, además esta relación es un importante determinante social de la salud de la población trabajadora ...
    • Platelet-rich plasma and its use for cicatricial and non-cicatricial alopecias: a narrative review 

      Alves, Rubina; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Dermatology and Therapy, 2020-06)
      The concept and description of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) started in the field of hematology and is being extensively used in other fields of medicine. Interest in the application of PRP has been ...
    • Pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriageamong Bhutanese children hospitalizedwith clinical pneumonia: serotypes andviral co-infection 

      Jullien, Sophie; Sharma, Ragunath; Lhamu Mynak, Mimi; Henares, Desirée; Muñoz-Almagro, Carmen; Bassat, Quique (BMC Infectious Diseases, 2020-12)
      Background: Pneumococcal nasopharyngeal colonization (PNC) generally precedes pneumococcal disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of PNC and to identify the pneumococcal ...
    • Pneumococcal serotypes in children, clinical presentation and antimicrobial susceptibility in the PCV13 era 

      Izquierdo, Conchita; Ciruela, Pilar; Hernández, Sergi; García-García, Juan José; Esteva, Cristina; Moraga-Llop, Fernando; Díaz-Conradi, A.; Martínez-Osorio, Johanna; Solé-Ribalta, Anna; De Sevilla, Mariona F.; González-Peris, Sebastià; Codina, Gemma; Planes, Ana María; Uriona, Sonia; Campins, Magda; Muñoz-Almagro, Carmen; Salleras, Luis; Domínguez, Ángela (Epidemiology and Infection, 2020-11)
      The aim was to analyse invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) serotypes in children aged ⩽17 years according to clinical presentation and antimicrobial susceptibility. We conducted a prospective study ...
    • Pneumonia in children admitted to the national referral hospital in Bhutan: a prospective cohort study 

      Jullien, Sophie; Pradhan, Dinesh; Tshering, Tashi; Sharma, Ragunath; Dema, Kumbu; Garcia-Garcia, Selene; Ribó, Jose Luis; Muñoz-Almagro, Carmen; Bassat, Quique (International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020-06)
      Objectives: The study aim was to describe the etiological profile and clinical characteristics of pneumonia among children hospitalized in Thimphu, Bhutan. Methods: This prospective study enrolled ...
    • Policitemia en el recien nacido 

      Casanova, Miguel; Strad, Joiner (Anales de Pediatría Continuada, 2012)
    • Polymeric additives to enhance the functional properties of calcium phosphate cements 

      Pérez Antoñanzas, Roman; Hae-Won, Kim; Ginebra Molins, Maria Pau (2012-03-20)
      The vast majority of materials used in bone tissue engineering and regenerative medicine are based on calcium phosphates due to their similarity with the mineral phase of natural bone. Among them, calcium ...
    • Polyphosphate degradation by Nudt3-Zn2+ mediates oxidative stress response 

      Samper Martín, Bàrbara; Sarrias, Ana; Lázaro, Blanca; Pérez-Montero, Marta; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Rosalía; P.C. Ribeiro, Mariana; Bañón, Aitor; Wolfgeher, Donald; Jessen, Henning J.; Alsina, Berta; Clotet Erra, Josep; Kron, Stephen J.; Saiardi, Adolfo; Jiménez, Javier; Bru Rullo, Samuel (Cell Reports, 2021)
      Polyphosphate (polyP) is a polymer of hundreds of phosphate residues present in all organisms. In mammals, polyP is involved in crucial physiological processes, including coagulation, inflammation, and ...
    • Pomace olive oil concentrated in triterpenic acids restores vascular function, glucose tolerance and obesity progression in mice 

      Claro-Cala, Carmen Maria; Quintela, Jose Carlos; Pérez-Montero, Marta; Miñano, Javier; Alvarez de Sotomayor, María; Dolores Herrera, María; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Rosalía (Nutrients, 2020-01)
      Pomace olive oil, an olive oil sub-product, is a promising source of bioactive triterpenoids such as oleanolic acid and maslinic acid. Considering the vascular actions of pomace olive oil and the potential ...
    • Pool palms: a case report 

      Cutrone, Mario; Valerio, Enrico; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Dermatology Case Reports, 2019)
      Pool palms is a relatively unknown entity among doctor and this may lead to its misdiagnosis. While it might look like an allergic contact dermatitis it is more related to the friction of children’s ...
    • Population screening for hemochromatosis: a study in 5370 Spanish blood donors 

      Sánchez, Mayka; Villa, Margarita; Ingelmo, Mercedes; Sanz, Cristina; Bruguera, Miquel; Ascaso, Carlos; Oliva, Rafael (Journal of Hepatology, 2003)
      Background/Aims: Hereditary hemochromatosis is associated with homozygosity for C282Y mutation in the HFE gene, elevated serum transferrin saturation and excess iron deposits throughout the body. We ...
    • ¿Por qué descendió tanto la mortalidad infantil en Tarragona, provincia de Cataluña (España)? El ejemplo del doctor Frías i Roig (Reus, 1878-1963) 

      Gonzalvo-Cirac, Margarita (Población y Salud en Mesoamérica, 2015)
      Desde la Transición Demográfica y Epidemiológica, marco conceptual de nuestra investigación, planteamos qué ocurrió en la provincia de Tarragona entre 1900 y 1935 (antes de la Guerra Civil española). A ...