Now showing items 474-493 of 738

    • Neonatal mastauxe (breast enlargement of the newborn) 

      Silecchia, Valeria; Cutrone, Mario; Valerio, Enrico; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Journal of Respiratory Research, 2019-09)
      Neonatal Mastauxe (NM) represents a common, well known and physiologic condition that requires simple observation and parental reassurance. "Giant" NM (exceeding 3 cm of diameter) is an infrequent ...
    • Neuromuscular response what is it and how to measure it? 

      Pérez Bellmunt, Albert; Llurda-Almuzara, Luis; Simon, Mathias; Navarro, Raul; Casasayas Cos, Oriol; López-de-Celis, Carlos; Seijas, Roberto; Alavarez, Pedro (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal, 2019)
      The neuromuscular response or neuromuscular function is a set of biomechanical and viscoelastic properties about the muscular and fascia tissue. These characteristics are fundamental for the rehabilitation ...
    • New applanation tonometer for myopic patients after laser refractive surgery 

      Iglesias, María; Yebra, Francisco; Kudsieh, Bachar; Laiseca, Andrea; Santos, Cristina; Nadal, Jeroni; Barraquer, Rafael Ignacio; Casaroli-Marano, Ricardo P. (Scientific Reports, 2020)
      This study assesses the agreement between intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements taken with the Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) and a new experimental applanation tonometer with a convexly shaped ...
    • New cases and mutations in SEC23B gene causing congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II 

      Mara Musri, Melina; Venturi, Veronica; Ferrer-Cortès, Xènia; Romero-Cortadellas, Lídia; Hernández, Gonzalo; Leoz, Pilar; Ricard Andrés, María Pilar; Morado, Marta; Fernández Valle, María del Carmen; Beneitez Pastor, David; Ortuño Cabrero, Ana; Moreno Gamiz, Maite; Senent Peris, Leonor; Perez-Valencia, Amanda Isabel; Pérez-Montero, Santiago; Tornador, Cristian; Sánchez, Mayka (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023)
      Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II (CDA II) is an inherited autosomal recessive blood disorder which belongs to the wide group of ineffective erythropoiesis conditions. It is characterized by ...
    • New insights of SF1 neurons in hypothalamic regulation of obesity and diabetes 

      Fosch, Anna; Zagmutt, Sebastián; Casals i Farré, Núria; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Rosalía (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021)
      Despite the substantial role played by the hypothalamus in the regulation of energy balance and glucose homeostasis, the exact mechanisms and neuronal circuits underlying this regulation remain poorly ...
    • New mutations in HFE2 and TFR2 genes causing non HFE-related hereditary hemochromatosis 

      Hernández, Gonzalo; Ferrer-Cortès, Xenia; Venturi, Veronica; Musri, Melina; Floor Pilquil, Martin; Muñoz Torres, Pau Marc; Hernandez Rodríguez, Ines; Ruiz Mínguez, Maria Àngels; Kelleher, Nicholas J.; Pelucchi, Sara; Piperno, Alberto; Plensa Alberca, Esther; Gener Ricós, Georgina; Cañamero Giró, Eloi; Pérez-Montero, Santiago; Tornador, Cristian; Villà-Freixa, Jordi; Sánchez, Mayka (Genes, 2021)
      Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an iron metabolism disease clinically characterized by excessive iron deposition in parenchymal organs such as liver, heart, pancreas, and joints. It is caused by ...
    • Nontherapeutic international normalized ratio results in hospital emergency patients on vitamin K antagonists: prevalence and associated factors 

      López Altimiras, Xavier; Gené Tous, Emili; De Giorgi, Antonio; Gadea Polo, Andrés; Martín Horcajo, Raquel; Jiménez Hernández, Sònia (Emergencias, 2017)
      Aims. To determine the prevalence of international normalized ratio (INR) findings outside the normal range in hospital emergency department patients on vitamin K antagonists (VKAs). To identify factors ...
    • Normative data and correlation between dynamic knee valgus and neuromuscular response among healthy active males: a cross-sectional study 

      Llurda-Almuzara, Luis; Pérez Bellmunt, Albert; López de Celis, Carlos; Aiguadé Aiguadé, Ramón; Seijas, Roberto; Casasayas Cos, Oriol; Labata-Lezaun, Noé; Alvarez, Pedro (Scientific Reports, 2020)
      The dynamic knee valgus (DKV) during different sport maneuvers has been widely described as risk factor to develop an anterior cruciate ligament injury. Hip and knee muscles seem to have a crucial role ...
    • Not everything is as it seems: Todd paralysis 

      Puyalto de Pablo, Paloma; Rodriguez-Fanjul, Javier; Sorribes Ortí, Clara; Oliva Ortiz, Anna (Anales de Pediatría, 2024)
    • Nounats nascuts a les 22 setmanes de gestació 

      Borràs-Novell, Cristina; Peguero, Anna; Alsina Casanova, Miquel; Palacio, Montse (Pediatria catalana: butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Pediatria, 2022)
    • A novel chitosan composite biomaterial with drug eluting capacity for maxillary bone regeneration 

      Giordano-Kelhoffer, Barbara; Rodríguez-Gonzalez, Raquel; Perpiñan-Blasco, Marina; Olmos Buitrago, Jennifer; Bosch Canals, Begoña Maria; Perez, Roman (Materials, 2023)
      Bone grafting is one of the most commonly performed treatments for bone healing or repair. Autografts, grafts from the same patient, are the most frequently used bone grafts because they can provide ...
    • A novel device for assessment and treatment of upper cervical spine: test–retest reliability study 

      Carrasco-Uribarren, Andoni; Marimon Serra, Xavier; Portela Otaño, Alejandro; Cabanillas-Barea, Sara; Rodríguez-Rubio, Pere Ramón; Perez, Roman (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023)
      Introduction: Neck pain is one of the most frequent reasons for consultation in primary care. Clinicians evaluate different variables, including movement and cervical strength, to determine the prognosis ...
    • Novel mutations in the ferritin-L iron-responsive element that only mildly impair IRP binding cause hereditary hyperferritinaemia cataract syndrome 

      Luscieti, Sara; Tolle, Gabriele; Aranda, Jessica; Benet Campos, Carmen; Risse, Frank; Morán, Érica; Muckenthaler, Martina U.; Sánchez, Mayka (Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 2013)
      Background: Hereditary Hyperferritinaemia Cataract Syndrome (HHCS) is a rare autosomal dominant disease characterized by increased serum ferritin levels and early onset of bilateral cataract. The disease ...
    • Novel nanostructured lipid carriers loading Apigenin for anterior segment ocular pathologies 

      Bonilla-Vidal, L.; Espina, M.; García, M.L.; Baldomà, L.; Badia, J.; González, J.A.; Delgado, L.M.; Gliszczyńska, A.; Souto, E.B.; Sánchez-López, E. (International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2024)
      Dry eye disease (DED) is a chronic multifactorial disorder of the ocular surface caused by tear film dysfunction and constitutes one of the most common ocular conditions worldwide. However, its treatment ...
    • Novel regulation of the synthesis of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor subunit gluA1 by carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C (CPT1C) in the hippocampus 

      Fadó Andrés, Rut; Soto, David; Miñano Molina, Alfredo Jesús; Pozo Ariza, Macarena; Carrasco, Patricia; Yefimenko, Natalia; Rodríguez-Álvarez, José; Casals i Farré, Núria (Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2015-10-16)
      The regulation of AMPA-type receptor (AMPAR) abundance in the postsynaptic membrane is an important mechanism involved in learning and memory formation. Recent data suggest that one of the constituents ...
    • Nucleosome architecture throughout the cell cycle 

      Deniz, Özgen; Flores, Óscar; Aldea Malo, Martí; Soler-López, Montserrat; Orozco, Modesto (Scientific Reports, 2016-01-28)
      Nucleosomes provide additional regulatory mechanisms to transcription and DNA replication by mediating the access of proteins to DNA. During the cell cycle chromatin undergoes several conformational ...
    • Nurr1 protein Is required for N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor-mediated neuronal survival 

      Barneda-Zahonero, Bruna; Servitja, Joan-Marc; Badiola, Nahuai; Miñano Molina, Alfredo Jesús; Fadó Andrés, Rut; Saura, Carlos A.; Rodríguez-Álvarez, José (Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012-03-30)
      NMDA receptor (NMDAR) stimulation promotes neuronal survival during brain development. Cerebellar granule cells (CGCs) need NMDAR stimulation to survive and develop. These neurons differentiate and ...
    • Occupational aspects of emergency medicine practice in Catalonia: the OPENCAT opinion survey 

      Jacob, Javier; Gené, Emili; Alonso, Gilberto; Rimbau, Pere; Zorrilla, José; Casarramona, Francesc; Netto, Cristina; Sánchez, Pere; Hernández, Ricard; Escalada, Xavier; Miró, Òscar (Emergencias, 2017)
      Objectives: To gather information on the contracting and training of members of the Catalan Society of Emergency Medicine (SoCMUE) who work in emergency medicine and services in Catalonia. To survey ...
    • Oozing: an accessible technique to create 3D-printed scaffolds suitable for tissue engineering 

      Crespo Santiago, Juan; Delgado, Luis M.; Madariaga, Rafa; Millan, Laia; Chico, Oriol; Oliver, Pau; Pérez Antoñanzas, Román; Otero-Viñas, Marta (International Journal of Bioprinting, 2024)
      Tissue-engineered constructs require mimicking the extracellular matrix microenvironment of native tissue for better promoting cell growth. Commercial three-dimensional (3D) printers provide a versatile ...
    • Opinión de los responsables de los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios de Cataluña acerca de la creación de la especialidad de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias 

      Miró Andreu, Óscar; Escalada Roig, Xavier; Gené Tous, Emili; Boqué, Carmen; Jiménez Fabrega, Xavier; Netto Miranda, Cristina; Alonso Fernández, Gilberto; Sánchez, Pere; Sánchez Sánchez, Miquel (Emergencias, 2015)
      Objetivo. Conocer la opinión de los responsables de los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios (SUH) de Cataluña respecto al soporte e impacto que tendría la creación de la especialidad primaria de Medicina ...