Ara mostrant els elements 81-100 de 738

    • The severity of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy correlates with multiple organ dysfunction in the hypothermia era 

      Alsina Casanova, Miguel; Martín-Ancel, Ana; Alarcon-Allen, Ana; Arca, Gemma; Gayá, Francisco; García-Alix, Alfredo (Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 2017)
      Objectives: The objectives are to 1) determine whether there is a positive correlation between the severity of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and multiple organ dysfunction and 2) evaluate the organ ...
    • Maternal mutations of FOXF1 cause alveolar capillary dysplasia despite not being imprinted human mutation 

      Alsina Casanova, Miguel; Monteagudo-Sánchez, Ana; Rodriguez Guerineau, Luciana; Court, Franck; Gazquez Serrano, Isabel; Martorell, Loreto; Rovira Zurriaga, Carlota; Moore, Gudrun E.; Ishida, Miho; Castañon, Montserrat; Moliner Calderon, Elisenda; Monk, David; Moreno Hernando, Julio (Human Mutation, 2017)
      Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins (ACDMPV) is a rare cause of pulmonary hypertension in newborns. Maternally inherited point mutations in Forkhead Box F1 gene (FOXF1), ...
    • Efficacy of passive hypothermia and adverse events during transport of asphyxiated newborns according to the severity of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 

      Carreras, Nuria; Alsina, Miguel; Alarcon, Ana; Arca-Díaz, Gemma; Agut, Thais; García-Alix, Alfredo (Jornal de Pediatria, 2018)
      Objective: To determine if the efficacy of passive hypothermia and adverse events during transport are related to the severity of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Methods: This was a retrospective ...
    • Multiorgan dysfunction in infants of 33-35 weeks gestation with severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy treated with hypothermia anatomy & physiology 

      Alsina Casanova, Miguel; Martín Ancel, Ana; León Lozano, Marisol; Arca Díaz, Gemma; Pérez Fernández, Elia; García Alix, Alfredo (Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research, 2018)
      Background: The benefits of hypothermia on neurodevelopment of newborns ≥ 36 weeks gestation with hypoxicischemic encephalopathy have been shown in large clinical trials. The security of hypothermia in ...
    • Hydrops fetalis caused by congenital syphilis: an ancient disease? 

      Ramis Fernández, Sofía Martina; Alsina-Casanova, Miguel; Herranz-Barbero, Ana; Aldecoa-Bilbao, Victoria; Borràs-Novell, Cristina; Salvia-Roges, Dolors (International Journal of STD & AIDS, 2019)
      Syphilis is currently an emerging health problem, especially in high-income countries. Infection rates have increased significantly in European countries such as the United Kingdom and Spain in the last ...
    • Enquiring beneath the surface: can a gene expression assay shed light into the heterogeneity among newborns with neonatal encephalopathy? 

      Balada, Rafael; Tebé, Cristian; León, Marisol; Arca, Gemma; Alsina, Miguel; Castells, Alba-Aina; Alcántara, Soledad; Garcia-Alix, Alfredo (Pediatric Research, 2020)
      Background: We aimed to assess whether a gene expression assay provided insights for understanding the heterogeneity among newborns affected by neonatal encephalopathy (NE). Methods: Analysis by RT-qPCR ...
    • Feasibility of umbilical cord blood as a source of red blood cell transfusion in preterm infants blood transfusion 

      García González, Elsa; Alsina Casanova, Miguel; Samarkanova, Dinara; Aldecoa-Bilbao, Victoria; Palacio, Marta Teresa; Farssac Busquets, Elisenda; Figueras-Aloy, Josep; Salvia-Roigés, Mª Dolors; Querol, Sergi (Blood Transfusion, 2021)
      Background - Preterm infants born earlier than 32 weeks of gestational age (GA) often need red blood cell (RBC) transfusions, which have been associated with an increased incidence of complications of ...
    • Extremely preterm infant admissions within the SafeBoosC-III Consortium during the COVID-19 lockdown 

      Rasmussen, Marie Isabel; Lühr Hansen, Mathias; Pichler, Gerhard; Dempsey, Eugene; Pellicer, Adelina; El-Khuffash, Afif; Shashidhar A; Piris-Borregas, Salvador; Alsina-Casanova, Miguel; Cetinkaya, Merih; Chalak, Lina; Özkan, Hilal; Baserga, Mariana; Sirc, Jan; Fuchs, Hans; Ergenekon, Ebru; Arruza, Luis; Mathur, Amit; Stocker, Martin; Otero Vaccarello, Olalla; Szczapa, Tomasz; Sarafidis, Kosmas; Królak-Olejnik, Barbara; Memisoglu, Asli; Reigstad, Hallvard; Rafińska-Ważny, Elżbieta; Hatzidaki, Eleftheria; Peng, Zhang; Gkentzi, Despoina; Viellevoye, Renaud; De Buyst, Julie; Mastretta, Emmanuele; Wang, Ping; Holst Hahn, Gitte; Bender, Lars; Cornette, Luc; Tkaczyk, Jakub; Del Rio, Ruth; Fumagalli, Monica; Papathoma, Evangelia; Wilinska, Maria; Naulaers, Gunnar; Sadowska-Krawczenko, Iwona; Lecart, Chantal; Couce, María Luz; Fredly, Siv; Heuchan, Anne Marie; Karen, Tanja; Greisen, Gorm (Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2021)
      Objective: To evaluate if the number of admitted extremely preterm (EP) infants (born before 28 weeks of gestational age) differed in the neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) of the SafeBoosC-III ...
    • Nounats nascuts a les 22 setmanes de gestació 

      Borràs-Novell, Cristina; Peguero, Anna; Alsina Casanova, Miquel; Palacio, Montse (Pediatria catalana: butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Pediatria, 2022)
    • Neonatal gastric perforation and non invasive mechanical ventilation 

      Domingo Lagman, Elizabeth; Alsina-Casanova, Miguel; de Haro Jorge, Irene; Carrasco Carrasco, Cristina; Palacio, Marta Teresa (Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2022)
    • Cerebral oximetry monitoring in extremely preterm infants 

      Hansen, Mathias L.; Pellicer, Adelina; Hyttel-Sørensen, Simon; Ergenekon, Ebru; Szczapa, Tomasz; Hagmann, Cornelia; Naulaers, Gunnar; Mintzer, Jonathan; Fumagalli, Monica; Dimitriou, Gabriel; Dempsey, Eugene; Tkaczyk, Jakub; Cheng, Guoqiang; Fredly, Siv; Heuchan, Anne M.; Pichler, Gerhard; Fuchs, Hans; Nesargi, Saudamini; Hahn, Gitte H.; Piris-Borregas, Salvador; Širc, Jan; Alsina-Casanova, Miguel; Stocker, Martin; Ozkan, Hilal; Sarafidis, Kosmas; Hopper, Andrew O.; Karen, Tanja; Rzepecka-Weglarz, Beata; Oguz, Serife S.; Arruza, Luis; Memisoglu, Asli C.; del Rio Florentino, Ruth; Baserga, Mariana; Maton, Pierre; Truttmann, Anita C.; de las Cuevas, Isabel; Agergaard, Peter; Zafra, Pamela; Bender, Lars; Lauterbach, Ryszard; Lecart, Chantal; de Buyst, Julie; El-Khuffash, Afif; Curley, Anna; Vaccarello, Olalla O.; Miletin, Jan; Papathoma, Evangelia; Vesoulis, Zachary; Vento, Giovanni; Cornette, Luc; Lopez, Laura S.; Yasa, Beril; Klamer, Anja; Agosti, Massimo; Baud, Olivier; Mastretta, Emmanuele; Cetinkaya, Merih; McCall, Karen; Zeng, Shujuan; Hatzidaki, Eleftheria; Bargiel, Agata; Marciniak, Sylwia; Gao, Xiaoyan; Huijia, Lin; Chalak, Lina; Yang, Ling; Rao, Shashidhar A.; Xu, Xin; Gonzalez, Begoña L.; Wilinska, Maria; Yin, Zhaoqing; Sadowska-Krawczenko, Iwona; Serrano-Viñuales, Itziar; Krolak-Olejnik, Barbara; Ybarra, Marta M.; Morales-Betancourt, Catalina; Korček, Peter; Palacio, Marta Teresa; Mosca, Fabio; Hergenhan, Anja; Koksal, Nilgun; Tsoni, Konstantia; Kadri, Munaf M.; Knöpfli, Claudia; Rafinska-Wazny, Elzbieta; Akin, Mustafa S.; Nordvik, Tone; Peng, Zhang; Kersin, Sinem G.; Thewissen, Liesbeth; Alarcon, Ana; Healy, David; Urlesberger, Berndt; Baş, Münevver; Baumgartner, Jana; Skylogianni, Eleni; Karadyova, Veronika; Valverde, Eva; Bergon-Sendin, Elena; Kucera, Jachym; Pisoni, Silvia; Wang, Le; Smits, Anne; Sanchez-Salmador, Rebeca; Rasmussen, Marie I.; Olsen, Markus H.; Jensen, Aksel K.; Gluud, Christian; Jakobsen, Janus C.; Greisen, Gorm (The New England Journal of Medicine, 2023)
      BACKGROUND: The use of cerebral oximetry monitoring in the care of extremely preterm infants is increasing. However, evidence that its use improves clinical outcomes is lacking.: METHODS: In this ...
    • Psychological factors, leisure activities, and satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in eleven spanish-speaking countries 

      Hidalgo-Andrade, Paula; Paz, Clara; Hermosa-Bosano, Carlos; García-Manglano, Javier; Sádaba-Chalezquer, Charo; López-Madrigal, Claudia; Serrano, Cecilia; Fernández-Zapico, Aurelio (International Journal of Environmental Reseacrh and Public Health, 2021)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of millions of people worldwide. This study aimed to analyze the effects of several psychological factors (self-esteem, self-control, and emotional stability) ...
    • Difficulties in establishing "Truth" conditions in the assessment of addictive smartphone use in young adults 

      García-Manglano, Javier; López-Madrigal, Claudia; Sádaba-Chalezquer, Charo; Serrano, Cecilia; Lopez-Fernandez, Olatz (International Journal of Environmental Reseacrh and Public Health, 2022)
      The smartphone revolution has placed powerful, multipurpose devices in the hands of youth across the globe, prompting worries about the potential negative consequences of these technologies on mental ...
    • Self-Esteem, happiness, and flourishing in times of COVID-19: a study during the lockdown period in Ecuador 

      Paz, Clara; Hermosa-Bosano, Carlos; Hidalgo-Andrade, Paula; García-Manglano, Javier; Sábada Chalezquer, Charo; López-Madrigal, Claudia; Serrano, Cecilia (International Journal of Public Health, 2022)
      Objective: Several studies have investigated the negative toll the pandemic has had on people’s mental health. However, there is limited research on the pandemic’s effect on positive mental health ...
    • A path analysis model of self- vs. educational-context- regulation as combined predictors of well-being in spanish college students 

      López-Madrigal, Claudia; García-Manglano, Javier; de la Fuente Arias, Jesús (International Journal of Environmental Reseacrh and Public Health, 2022)
      Previous literature has established the importance of personal and contextual factors in college students’ trajectories. Following the Self- vs. External-Regulation Behavior Theory (2021) and the 3P ...
    • Uso de tecnología y malestar durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en Ecuador 

      Hidalgo-Andrade, Paula; Paz, Clara; Hermosa Bosano, Carlos; García-Manglano, Javier; Sádaba Chalezquer, Charo; López-Madrigal, Claudia; Serrano, Cecilia (Aloma: Revista de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport, 2022)
      Para prevenir el avance de la COVID-19, países como Ecuador adoptaron medidas de confinamiento obligatorio, el teletrabajo y la educación remota. Durante estos periodos, las personas recurrieron al uso ...
    • Translation and validation of the spanish version of the MAPS20 and ISRI scales 

      López-Madrigal, Claudia; Fernández-Duval, Gonzalo; García-Manglano, Javier; Schwartz, Seth J. (Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, 2023)
      Emerging adulthood has been defined as a critical life stage. According to Erikson’s psychosocial theory, developing a sense of self and a personal identity is a critical task of adolescence and emerging ...
    • The role of gender and age in the emotional well-being outcomes of young adults 

      López-Madrigal, Claudia; de la Fuente, Jesús; García-Manglano, Javier; Martínez-Vicente, José Manuel; Peralta-Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Amate-Romera, Jorge (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021)
      Young adults face different stressors in their transition to college. Negative emotions such as stress can emerge from the demands they face. This study aimed at gaining an improved understanding of the ...
    • Long-term anatomical and functional survival of Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis in congenital aniridia 

      Dyer, Ariann; De Faria, Alix; Julio, Gemma; de Toledo, Juan Álvarez; Barraquer, Rafael I.; Fideliz de la Paz, Maria (Frontiers in Medicine, 2021)
      Purpose: To analyze the long-term anatomical survival, functional survival, and complications of Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis (KPro) in the eyes with congenital aniridia-associated keratopathy (AAK). ...
    • Soemmerring's rings developed around IOLs, in human donor eyes, can present internal transparent areas 

      D'Antin, Justin Christopher; Tresserra, Francesc; Barraquer, Rafael I.; Michael, Ralph (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022)
      Soemmerring’s rings consist of a ring of lens epithelial derived cells that grow along the periphery of an aphakic lens capsule, or around an intraocular lens. These rings when visualized frontally, ...