• CPT1C is required for synaptic plasticity and oscillatory activity that supports motor, associative and non-associative learning 

      Iborra-Lázaro, Guillermo; Djebari, Souhail; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Irene; Gratacòs-Batlle, Esther; Sánchez-Fernández, Nuria; Radošević, Marija; Casals, Núria; Navarro-López, Juan de Dios; Soto del Cerro, David; Jiménez-Díaz, Lydia (The Journal of Physiology, 2023)
      Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1c (CPT1C) is a neuron-specific protein widely distributed throughout the CNS and highly expressed in discrete brain areas including the hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala ...
    • Feeding the brain: effect of nutrients on cognition, synaptic function, and AMPA receptors 

      Fadó Andrés, Rut; Molins , Anna; Rojas Martín, Rocío; Casals, Nuria (Nutrients, 2022)
      In recent decades, traditional eating habits have been replaced by a more globalized diet, rich in saturated fatty acids and simple sugars. Extensive evidence shows that these dietary factors contribute ...
    • Mechanisms of CPT1C-Dependent AMPAR trafficking enhancement 

      Gratacòs-Batlle, Esther; Olivella, Mireia; Sánchez-Fernández, Nuria; Yefimenko, Natalia; MIguez-Cabello, Federico; Fadó Andrés, Rut; Casals i Farré, Núria; Gasull, Xavier; Ambrosio, Santiago; Soto, David (Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 2018-08-08)
      In neurons, AMPA receptor (AMPAR) function depends essentially on their constituent components: the ion channel forming subunits and ion channel associated proteins. On the other hand, AMPAR trafficking ...