Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 26

    • Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of single DNA hairpins in a dual-trap optical tweezers setup 

      Crivellari, M. Ribezzi; Huguet Casades, Josep Maria; Ritort, F. (AIP Conference Proceedings, 2011)
      We use two counter propagating laser beams to create a dual trap optical tweezers setup which is free from cross interference between the beams and provides great instrumental stability. This setup works ...
    • Implementation of a social mission in social enterprise: fit among content, motivation and practice 

      Akhmedova, Anna; Mas-Machuca, Marta; Magomedova, Nina (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2021)
      A mission statement is commonly considered a strategic tool in any organisation. While hybridity is what characterises the mission in a social enterprise, the centrality of the social component of the ...
    • Lexical coverage evaluation of large-scale multilingual semantic lexicons for twelve languages 

      Songlin Piao, Scott; Rayson, Paul Edward; Archer, Dawn; Bianchi, Francesca; Dayrell, Carmen; El-Haj, Mahmoud; Jiménez-Yáñez, Ricardo-María; Knight, Dawn; Křen, Michal; Lofberg, Laura; Adeel Nawab, Rao Muhammad; Shafi, Jawad; Lee Teh, Phoey; Mudraya, Olga (LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2016)
      The last two decades have seen the development of various semantic lexical resources such as WordNet (Miller, 1995) and the USAS semantic lexicon (Rayson et al., 2004), which have played an important ...
    • B-SMART: a university-industry teaching innovation project 

      Gil-Doménech, Dolors; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Mas Machuca, Marta (5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’19), 2019)
      The present work aims at presenting a teaching innovation project, the BSMART, which has been implemented at UIC Barcelona in the academic year 2018/19. Conceived as a project to respond to social ...
    • Implementation of Game-based Learning in Higher Education: an example in HR Management 

      Mas Machuca, Marta; Jordan, Alicia; Tresserres, Cristina (5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’19), 2019)
      The benefits of game-based learning (GBL) are well justified in literature, but there are no abundant studies to its applications in different disciplines in Higher Education (HE). This method proposes ...
    • Cómo construyen la imagen de “pueblo” los partidos Ciudadanos y Podemos 

      Jiménez-Yáñez, Ricardo-María (Actas do XIII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Xeral. Vigo, 13-15 de xuño de 2018, 2018)
      Se estudian la formas léxicas del concepto de “pueblo” en los programas políticos de Ciudadanos y Podemos de 2017, y en los tuits publicados en las cuentas de esos dos partidos desde el 17 al 21 de ...
    • Definition of spiritual capital as a part of universities’ mission 

      Gil Domènech, Dolors; Marimon Viadiu, Frederic; Mas Machuca, Marta (2nd Research Workshop: Missions, leadership and sustainability (UIC 2016 - Barcelona), 2016-09)
      The present paper poses the different types of capital in order to facilitate universities the understanding of the concept of spiritual capital, since it is a central part of their mission. More ...
    • A community of missions: propositions for personal mission within an organization 

      Rey Peña, Carlos (2nd Research Workshop: Missions, leadership and sustainability (UIC 2016 - Barcelona), 2016-09)
      Nowadays the concept of personal mission is a growing trend in companies. However, the question about what is the role of personal mission within the organization is still unanswered. This article ...
    • Logic multiplicity in strategy formation 

      Rey Peña, Carlos; Ricart, Joan E. (3rd Research Workshop: Missions, leadership and sustainability (UIC 2018 - Barcelona), 2018-06)
      Logic multiplicity, as a source of strategic heterogeneity and innovation, has attracted growing interest in recent research. However, while the literature has traditionally considered logic pluralism ...
    • Mission statement: a systematic review of the literature 

      Alegre Tort-Martorell, Inés; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Guerrero, Adrián; Mas Machuca, Marta (3rd Research Workshop: Missions, leadership and sustainability (UIC 2018 - Barcelona), 2018-06)
      Purpose: A mission statement is a widely used strategic tool that emphasises an organisation’s uniqueness and identity. This article summarises and offers a critical overview of the literature on ...
    • Implementation of MBM in Alpha Omega: connecting personal mission and organizational mission in a small high tech company 

      Gude, José Manuel; Rey Peña, Carlos (2nd Research Workshop: Missions, leadership and sustainability (UIC 2016 - Barcelona), 2016-09)
      Alpha Omega Engineering was founded in 1993 and today is one of the world leaders in the production of neurosurgery equipment. It is the first hi-tech Israeli company funded and managed by an Arab. The ...
    • Effective mission implementation: the three dimensions of the mission 

      Rey Peña, Carlos; Bastons Prat, Miquel (2nd Research Workshop: Missions, leadership and sustainability (UIC 2016 - Barcelona), 2016-09)
      Several authors have shown that there is a certain “gap” in mission theory, which in practice explains the lack of actual effectiveness in mission implementation. In many cases, this loss is due to ...
    • Análisis de la función objetivo de las universidades mediante un estudio de eficiencia 

      Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina (Investigaciones de Economía de la Educació, 2013-07)
      La competitividad y excelencia dependen en gran medida de la capacidad de las regiones para generar, innovar y transferir conocimiento. En una sociedad donde estos valores están adquiriendo cada vez más ...
    • The value of care within the home environment 

      Agulles Simó, Remei (II International Conference Family and Society, 2015)
      This paper has adopted the form of a reflection on the impact that care –or the lack of it– has in the life of any human being from different points of view. It contains a brief description of the home ...
    • Pobreza y desarrollo humano. Convergencias entre el ecofeminismo de Vandana Shiva y las enseñanzas sociales de la Iglesia 

      Albareda-Tiana, Silvia (II International Conference Family and Society, 2015)
      Recientes Informes sobre el estado del planeta: Living Planet Report 2012 (WWF, 2012) y Climate change 2013: The physical science basis (IPCC, 2013), muestran que si seguimos a este ritmo de consumo en ...
    • Cambiar la sociedad en femenino. El papel de la mujer en la familia y en la sociedad del siglo XXI 

      Tintoré Espuny, Mireia (II International Conference Family and Society, 2015)
      “Somos herederos de una historia de enormes condicionamientos que, en todos los tiempos y en cada lugar, han hecho difícil el camino de la mujer. (…) Esto le ha impedido ser profundamente ella misma y ...
    • Límites de la educación escolar 

      Camps Bansell, Jaume (II International Conference Family and Society, 2015)
      Existen en nuestro entorno ciertos desencuentros en aspectos básicos de la función escolar. Entre ellos destaca la afirmación de que la socialización de los alumnos como finalidad prioritaria de la ...
    • El juego de las matemáticas 

      Vidal Raméntol, Salvador (II International Conference Family and Society, 2015)
      Desde que el mundo existe el hombre ha necesitado de las matemáticas para llevar a cabo su desarrollo. Ahora, igual que en la prehistoria, la matemática nos facilita la vida, no podemos pensar nuestra ...
    • The role of work-family balance on job satisfaction 

      Mas Machuca, Marta; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Alegre Tort-Martorell, Inés (II International Conference Family and Society, 2015)
      Work-family balance is an important topic because is closely related to family well-being. The aim of this article is to explore the relationship between job autonomy, work-family balance, organizational ...