Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 79

    • Tartulia 

      Rama, Francesca; Montes, Òscar; Nabiuzzi, Tommaso; Melgarejo, Paula (2021)
      TARTULIA is a contemporary art platform offering innovative channels of communication between stakeholders involved in the contemporary art market. We provide a space for upcoming artists and galleries ...
    • OSMOS 

      Baron, Roxane; Crispino, Alessandra; Goggia, Sebastiano (2021)
      Following the global health crisis of Covid-19, the consumption modalities of the cultural sector have been deeply affected worldwide. Cultural projects that were depending on physical events had to ...
    • MINDxART.lab 

      Vigoni, Lisa; Piórek, Weronika; Pinto Pereira, Jennifer (2021)
      Luxembourg and its cultural associations, as well as mental health institutions, both need a redefinition and a new approach, albeit for different scopes. This is where our association comes in, bringing ...
    • GenerARTE 

      Piccinno, Alessandra; Tiscornia, Pascual; Antsakli, Christina (2021)
      Generarte is a non-profit multidisciplinary art festival that will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The festival will include various activities over three days, including a permanent exhibition, ...
    • B.hive: art community 

      Clement, Allison; Obermeyr, Sophie; Schomerus, Sofia (2021)
      Spain is one of the countries with the highest risk for social exclusion and now more than ever, living during the COVID pandemic has led to increased unemployment and isolation. Barcelona, being a ...
    • AMWAJ 

      El Ouady, Manal; Stein, Charlotte; Barbier, Charles (2021)
      AMWAJ, center for art and innovation center will promote Contemporary African Art using an immersive exhibition format, facilitating the use of new technologies by contemporary artists through training ...
    • Mentes creativas: la cultura al alcance de todos 

      Hedegaard, Kristine; Hiipakka Martin, Tomás; Osete Murillo, Carmen (2021)
      Mentes Creativas, la cultura al alcance de todos nace como un proyecto cultural suscitado por el deseo de emplear la cultura como una herramienta de inclusión social y de bienestar colectivo. Por ello, ...
    • Supercultura: espacio cultural en la superilla de Poblenou 

      Mulatti, Paula; Joli, Martina (2021-06-29)
      El proyecto que aquí se propone se enmarca en el modelo de supermanzanas planteado por el arquitecto Salvador Rueda, el cual abre nuevo espacio peatonal uniendo nueve de las tradicionales manzanas del ...
    • Bridge 4 Media 

      Gordillo, Estefania; Salinas, Alejandra; Urruti, Simón (2021)
      Bridge 4 Media (B4M) nace a raíz de la unión de dos sectores con un gran potencial de desarrollo: el audiovisual y la música. Se trata de dos industrias que se encuentran en constante crecimiento, ...
    • Propuesta de un modelo expositivo para museos de arte 

      Malo Casado, Lucas; Matamalas Roig, Carme; Samudio Schafhauser, Karen; Sarmiento Serrano, Jorge (2021)
    • Acasa: la cultura llama a tu puerta ! 

      Ballesteros Márquez, Vanesa; Castilla Díaz, Sonia; Fichet, Andrea (2021)
      El proyecto de ACASA nace para responder a la siguiente problemática social: la soledad no deseada de las personas mayores. ¿Qué es la soledad no deseada? Según Mayte Vázquez, Psicóloga General Sanitaria, ...
    • Wood Design HUB Siberia 

      Nascimento, Renata Procópio; Ostapenko, Sofia; Pecher, Karen (2020)
      Wood ― one of our humanity’s oldest natural resources. It has helped us safe, comfortable and warm for millions of years. We have used wood for so long that most of us don’t really see it anymore, ...
    • Vision 

      Tomic, Kristina; Santolini, Ilaria; Mocchi, Beatriz (2020)
      How do I increase my audience? How do I get the attention of record labels? How do I get booked for concerts and festivals? Should I find myself a manager? These are some of the questions that many ...
    • United Creative Culinary Centers 

      Beacham, Siena; Capa, Marta; Mijares Cisneros, Andreina; Viteri, Maria Emilia (2020)
      The United Creative Culinary Centers (UCCC) project emerged from a desire to alleviate the problem of Global Malnourishment, affecting regional governments and economies. The UCCC replicable model ...
    • Safe Cultural Heritage 

      Nematollahi, Ehsan; Chzhu, Klaudia (2020)
      A non-profit organization in form of association 'Safe Cultural Heritage’ was founded in 2020 to establish a new approach towards protection of cultural properties by bringing the message that geographical ...
    • MUTEK 

      Jeremic, Nevena; Macías, Andrea; Torregrosa, Juan (2020)
      MUTEK is an International Festival of Digital Creativity with branches worldwide. Being a recognized player in the electronic music scene, MUTEK seeks to improve the ecosystem by investing in the ...
    • iFI - Center for global narratives 

      Pantazidis, Ioannis; Vig, Isha; Idrissi, Manar (2020)
      The Greek word iFI, in its literal sense, refers to the sense and feeling you get by touching something. The cultural centre iFI, supplemented by a digital platform, attempts to impact the lives of the ...
    • HeroLab 

      Hämmerle, Natalie; Dahlke Pinto, Dahna; Kharchenko, Kateryna (2020)
      HeroLab is an association that offers master classes (four hours each)in creative technology in Vienna to teenagers taught by experts in their respective fields.We call them Mentors. By attending ...
    • Eorum Fabula 

      Alva, Ena; Benzinger, Julia; Luyten, Marie (2020)
      Eorum Fabula is a production house dedicated to the creation and promotion of interdisciplinary performing arts. It aims to break the patriarchal barriers of leadership in the industry and make space ...
    • Ascenda 

      Gorchakova, Irina (2020)
      Ascenda is an elective art appreciation program for children living in foster care facilities. The chosen name - Ascenda - is a latin word that has a primary meaning to rise . This connotation is ...