Now showing items 14-33 of 79

    • Corporart Studios 

      Tkach, Daria; Ondan Gopinath, Hridya (2023)
      CorporART Studios is a corporate learning solutions provider that uses art as a medium to facilitate its programs. Artists from the fields of visual arts, performing arts and literary arts conduct ...
    • Crossroads Productions 

      Poulose, Basil; Pennacchio, Ilenia; Dürbeck, Cassandra (2020)
      Crossroads is an internat ional f i lm product ion company that has a legal presence in three count r ies: Germany, I taly and India. The premise of our project is that var ious development organizat ...
    • Cultur-Ally 

      Liverette, Amanda; Lejolle, Lara; Green, Amy (2022)
      Cultur-ally is a digital platform as a mobile application based in Barcelona that allows people from different backgrounds to connect over joint experiences. Cultural-ally aims to build bridges between ...
    • Cultural project 

      Latariya, Viktoria; Yazdian, Yasmin; Emanetoglu, Aylin (2021)
      The problem VAY VAY VAY is trying to address is twofold: on one hand we have the systematic and systemic exclusion of women and LGBT individuals in the general economic, political, and social activities ...
    • Disidencias: festival cultural de proximidad cuir 

      Doz Costa, Agustina; Rojas Ulloa, Amarilis (2022)
      DISIDENCIAS es un festival multidisciplinario de proximidad pensado para ser desarrollado en el Gran San Miguel de Tucumán. Con la vista clara en la celebración y visibilización de la cultura “Cuir” se ...
    • Emerge 

      Carrillo, Laura Sofia; Saraiva, Maria Joao; Hilder, Joscelyn (2023)
      EMERGE is a new initiative that aims to challengepreconceptions around gender by celebrating and giving aplatform to the work of young, cisgendered women, non-binaryand transgender artists and DJs. Their ...
    • Eorum Fabula 

      Alva, Ena; Benzinger, Julia; Luyten, Marie (2020)
      Eorum Fabula is a production house dedicated to the creation and promotion of interdisciplinary performing arts. It aims to break the patriarchal barriers of leadership in the industry and make space ...
    • Escribir, probar y negociar el chiste: definiendo los límites del humor en el stand-up comedy 

      Andrade Malo, Ricardo (2023)
      A todos nos gusta reír, ¿pero podemos reírnos de todo? Esta es una discusión que vivimos todos los días a través de redes sociales, conversaciones entre colegas y hasta con desconocidos. Tomando como ...
    • European Summer of Music 

      Reich, Laura; Wright, Anna; Intriago, Verónica (2019-07-10)
      European Summer of Music (ESOM) offers a three-week, fully funded music programme for young, talented European musicians. Participants will be given the opportunity to learn from top professional musicians, ...
    • EVOLV: Urban Arts Collective 

      Dobreva, Natali; Ferreira, Joana; Noguera Gomez, Julia; Schiff, Lauren (2022)
    • Festival Cuarto de Hora 

      Andrade, Juliana; Nicholls, María Camila; Sáenz, Felipe (2020)
      El proyecto Festival Cuarto de Hora surge de la motivación de generar y atraer nuevos públicos en las artes escénicas por medio de una propuesta con un formato diferente. Como respuesta al ...
    • Festival Mediterranium Teatre 

      Isern, Oriol; Navarro, Patricia; Zarrabeitia, Irene (2022)
      Proyecto piloto sobre un nuevo festival escénico de carácter itinerante enmarcado en un contexto mediterráneo que enfatiza los valores compartidos por los países limítrofes con el mediterráneo. Proyecto ...
    • Festival Mutek, Sede BARCELONA: influencia sobre el desarrollo profesional de los artistas que participan en el showcase 

      Soler Huerta, Camel (2022)
      En la actualidad son muy pocos los festivales que promueven o se dedican exclusivamente a trabajar con artistas emergentes (de música electrónica). Para efectos de esta investigación, nos centraremos ...
    • GenerARTE 

      Piccinno, Alessandra; Tiscornia, Pascual; Antsakli, Christina (2021)
      Generarte is a non-profit multidisciplinary art festival that will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The festival will include various activities over three days, including a permanent exhibition, ...
    • H!ability 

      Alimbuyuguen, Kristen; Di Carluccio, Angelica; Ilina, Irena; Lynch, Bear (2023)
      MISSION: The mission is to increase the quality of life of people with disability (PWD) and neurodivergent people through inclusion, spreading awareness of the community, and by promoting and nurturing ...
    • HeroLab 

      Hämmerle, Natalie; Dahlke Pinto, Dahna; Kharchenko, Kateryna (2020)
      HeroLab is an association that offers master classes (four hours each)in creative technology in Vienna to teenagers taught by experts in their respective fields.We call them Mentors. By attending ...
    • Iberact: by performers, for performers 

      Campos Ferreira, Matilde Silva (2023)
      The Cultural sector in Spain has progressively shown a decline in funding, projects and attendance, and being Barcelona the leader in Performing Arts with a high volume of activity, it’s important to ...
    • iFI - Center for global narratives 

      Pantazidis, Ioannis; Vig, Isha; Idrissi, Manar (2020)
      The Greek word iFI, in its literal sense, refers to the sense and feeling you get by touching something. The cultural centre iFI, supplemented by a digital platform, attempts to impact the lives of the ...
    • The impact of censorship on Chinese cinema 

      Tang, Han (2023)
      I come from a family of filmmakers. My grandfather, Wenzhi Shi, a pioneering Chinese filmmaker, was among the graduates of the first-ever filmmaking program that took place in the People's Republic of ...