Now showing items 1-18 of 18

    • A 3-dimensional histology computer model of malignant melanoma and its implications for digital pathology 

      Kurz, Alexander; Krahl, Dieter; Kutzner, Heinz; Barnhill, Raymond; Perasole, Antonio; Fernandez Figueras, Maria Teresa; Ferrara, Gerardo; Braun, Stephan A.; Starz, Hans; Llamas-Velasco, Mar; Sven Utikal, Jochen; Fröhling, Stefan; von Kalle, Christof; Kather, Jakob Nikolas; Schneider, Lucas; Brinker, Titus J. (European Journal of Cancer, 2023)
      Background: Historically, cancer diagnoses have been made by pathologists using two-dimensional histological slides. However, with the advent of digital pathology and artificial intelligence, slides are ...
    • A linear lesion in a child with atopic dermatitis: not a coincidence 

      Van Gysel, Julie; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Clinical Case Reports, 2019-07-25)
      A blaschkolinear lesion in a patient with atopic dermatitis can be a superimposed segmental manifestation of this polygenic disorder. Knowledge of this phenomenon, presence of less severe, disseminated, ...
    • Adams-Oliver syndrome 

      Galeazzo, Beatrice; Silecchia, Valeria; Valerio, Enrico; Denysyuk, Olga V.; Ferro, Josefo; Pizzol, Damiano; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon; Cutrone, Mario (Journal of Respiratory Research, 2019)
      A term infant born in a resource-poor setting (Mozambique) presented with extensive disepithelization of the cranial vertex with absent underlying bony plate, disepithelization of the posterior median ...
    • Congenital melanotic lingual macules 

      Silecchia, Valeria; Valerio, Enrico; Berti, Irene; Morandi, Francesco; Cutrone, Mario; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Journal of Dermatological Research, 2019)
      We here present five cases of congenital melanotic lingual macules seen in our hospital. All the patients were healthy and normally thriving. A close follow-up showed that lesions were non-evolutive and ...
    • Current controversies in trichology: a European expert consensus statement 

      Meyer-Gonzalez, T.; Bacqueville, D.; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon; Mengeaud, V.; Piraccini, Bianca Maria; Rudnicka, L.; Saceda-Corralo, D.; Vogt, A.; Trichology Experts Network Group; Vano-Galvan, S. (Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 2021)
      Introduction: Hair disorders are one of the most common conditions within dermatology practice but, although new diagnostic tools and therapeutic options have arisen, the management of these patients ...
    • The dermoscopic “chromosome arms sign” for terra firma-forme dermatosis 

      Cutrone, Mario; Van Gysel, Julie; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Openventio, 2021)
      Introduction: Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) belongs to the group of “dirty dermatoses” and represents a not well-known and surely underestimated skin condition. Clinical cases: We present 2 cases ...
    • Determining the value of two biologic drugs for chronic inflammatory skin diseases: results of a multi-criteria decision analysis 

      Zozaya, Néboa; Martínez-Galdeano, Lucía; Alcala, Bleric; Armario-Hita, Jose Carlos; Carmona, Concepción; Carrascosa, Jose Manuel; Herranz, Pedro; Lamas, María Jesús; Trapero Bertran, Marta; Hidalgo-Vega, Álvaro (BioDrugs, 2018)
      Background and Objective: Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a tool that systematically considers multiple factors relevant to health decision-making. The aim of this study was to use an MCDA ...
    • Efficiency of hair detection in hair-to-hair matched trichoscopy 

      Bokharia, Laita; Cottlea, Phoebe; grimalt, ramon; Kasprzakc, Michal; Sicińska, Justyna; Sinclair, Rodney; Tosti, Antonella (Skin Appendage Disorders, 2022)
      Introduction: Precise evaluation of changes in hair count is crucial for monitoring progression of hair loss and the effects of treatment. The focus of this study is the comparison of the various ...
    • Hymenal tags of the newborn 

      Di Candia, Angela; Silecchia, Valeria; Valerio, Enrico; Furcolo, Giuseppe; Palatron, Silvia; Cutrone, Mario; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Journal of Dermatological Research, 2019)
      Evaluation of female newborn genitalia should always be carried out at pre-discharge visit in hospital nurseries in order to exclude gross malformations, potentially compatible with genetic and/or ...
    • Large-scale international study on scalp seborrheic dermatitis: Prevalence, demographics, healthcare trends and quality of life 

      Grimalt, Ramon; Skayem, Charbel; Mengeaud, Valerie; Perez-Cullel, Nuria; Baissac, Catherine; Hayoun, Yaron Ben; Halioua, Bruno; Taieb, Charles; Saint Aroman, Marketa; Shapiro, Jerry (Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 2024)
    • Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis cesioflammea 

      Silecchia, Valeria; Valerio, Enrico; Filippone, Marco; Balao, Laura; Cherubin, Emanuele; Rigon, Luca; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon; Cutrone, Mario (Journal of Respiratory Research, 2019)
      nCPAP-induced nose skin injury is a common issue in NICUs all over the world. Damage may vary from simple hyperemia in the region of application of nasal cannulae up to complete destruction of the ...
    • Prevalence of atopic dermatitis in the adolescent population of Catalonia (Spain) 

      Mora, Toni; Sánchez-Collado, Irene; Mullol, Joaquim; Muñoz-Cano, Rosa; Ribó, Paula; Valero, Antonio (Allergologia etimmunopathologia, 2023)
      Background: Studies on the prevalence of atopic dermatitis (AD) for the adolescent cohort in general-based large populations are scarce worldwide. We performed a retrospective population--based observational ...
    • Skin cancer classification via convolutional neural networks: systematic review of studies involving human experts 

      Haggenmüller, Sarah; Maron, Roman C.; Hekler, Achim; Utikal, Jochen S.; Barata, Catarina; Barnhill, Raymond L.; Beltraminelli, Helmut; Berking, Carola; Betz-Stablein, Brigid; Blum, Andreas; Braun, Stephan A.; Carr, Richard; Combalia, Marc; Fernandez Figueras, Maria-Teresa; Ferrara, Gerardo; Fraitag, Sylvie; French, Lars E.; Gellrich, Frank F.; Ghoreschi, Kamran; Goebeler, Matthias; Guitera, Pascale; Haenssle, Holger A.; Haferkamp, Sebastian; Heinzerling, Lucie; Heppt, Markus V.; Hilke, Franz J.; Hobelsberger, Sarah; Krahl, Dieter; Kutzner, Heinz; Lallas, Aimilios; Liopyris, Konstantinos; Llamas-Velasco, Mar; Malvehy, Josep; Meier, Friedegund; Müller, Cornelia S.L.; Navarini, Alexander A.; Navarrete-Dechent, Cristián; Perasole, Antonio; Poch, Gabriela; Podlipnik, Sebastian; Requena, Luis; Rotemberg, Veronica M.; Saggini, Andrea; Sangueza, Omar P.; Santonja, Carlos; Schadendorf, Dirk; Schilling, Bastian; Schlaak, Max; Schlager, Justin G.; Sergon, Mildred; Sondermann, Wiebke; Soyer, H. Peter; Starz, Hans; Stolz, Wilhelm; Vale, Esmeralda; Weyers, Wolfgang; Zink, Alexander; Krieghoff-Henning, Eva I.; Kather, Jakob N.; Von Kalle, Christof; Lipka, Daniel B.; Fröhling, Stefan; Hauschild, Axel; Kittler, Harald; Brinker, Titus J. (European Journal of Cancer, 2021-10)
      Background: Multiple studies have compared the performance of artificial intelligence (AI)–based models for automated skin cancer classification to human experts, thus setting the cornerstone for a ...
    • Subtle skin changes that suggest severe disease 

      Moreno Romero, Juan Antonio; Álvarez Abella, Alba; Lorenzo Parra, Daniel; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (British medical journal, 2018-05-18)
    • The effectiveness of finasteride and dutasteride used for 3 years in women with androgenetic alopecia 

      Boersma, Ids H.; Oranje, Arnold P.; Iorizzo, Matilde; Piraccini, Bianca Maria; Verdonschot, Emiel H.; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, 2014-11-01)
      Background: The effectiveness of finasteride and dutasteride in women with androgenetic alopecia has been the subject of debate. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of finasteride and dutasteride on ...
    • Tirbanibulina: revisión de su mecanismo de acción novedoso y de cómo encaja en el tratamiento de la queratosis actínica 

      Gilaberte, Y.; Fernández-Figueras, María-Teresa (Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas, 2021)
      La queratosis actínica (QA) es una afección cutánea caracterizada por la proliferación de queratinocitos mutados que pueden convertirse en carcinoma escamoso cutáneo. Las terapias disponibles, aunque ...
    • Trichoscopy: essentials for the dermatologist 

      Moreno Romero, Juan Antonio; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (World Journal of Dermatology, 2015-05-02)
      Noninvasive in vivo imaging techniques have become an important diagnostic aid for dermatology. Dermoscopy, also known as dermatoscopy, has been shown to increase the clinician’s diagnostic accuracy ...
    • Use and misuse of PRP clinical trial proposal to help find PRP’s true efficacy 

      Mirallas, Oriol; Farelo, Javier; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Journal of Dermatological Research, 2018-04)
      Introduction: Since the early 1970s, Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used in many fields as a potential remedy for having regenerative properties. In dermatology, its use is extended to different ...