Now showing items 386-405 of 1721

    • Current and future perspectives in lung cancer prevention 

      González-Marrón, Adrián; Martín-Sánchez, Juan Carlos; Martínez-Sánchez, Jose M. (Precision Cancer Medicine: a Journal Aiming to Deliver a Lasting Blow to Cancer, 2020)
      Smoking is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Tobacco smoke contains thousands of different heterogeneous substances, dozens of them classified as carcinogenic for humans, ...
    • Current challenges for targeting brown fat thermogenesis to combat obesity 

      Yoneshiro, Takeshi; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Rosalía; Johannes Betz, Matthias; Rensen, Patrick C. N. (Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2020-10-27)
      Just over a decade has passed since metabolically active brown adipose tissue (BAT) was unequivocally identified in healthy adult humans. Since then, researchers have provided evidence of expression of ...
    • Current controversies in trichology: a European expert consensus statement 

      Meyer-Gonzalez, T.; Bacqueville, D.; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon; Mengeaud, V.; Piraccini, Bianca Maria; Rudnicka, L.; Saceda-Corralo, D.; Vogt, A.; Trichology Experts Network Group; Vano-Galvan, S. (Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 2021)
      Introduction: Hair disorders are one of the most common conditions within dermatology practice but, although new diagnostic tools and therapeutic options have arisen, the management of these patients ...
    • Current state of dynamic surgery. A literature review 

      Parra-Tresserra, Anna; Marquès-Guasch, Jordi; Ortega-Martínez, Jordi; Basilio Monné, Juan; Hernández-Alfaro, Federico (Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal, 2021)
      Background: Recently, dental implant technology has been widely used for oral reconstruction. Dental implants are the treatment of choice for those patients with dental absences. An optimal implant ...
    • Cystic fibrosis in Brazil: achievements in survival 

      Vendrusculo, Fernanda Maria; Fagundes Donadio, Márcio Vinícius; Araújo Pinto, Leonardo (Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2021)
    • Danger zone analysis using cone beam computed tomography after apical enlargement with K3 and K3XF in a manikin model 

      Olivieri Fernández, Juan Gonzalo; García-Font, Marc; Gonzalez-Sanchez, Jose-Antonio; Roig Cayon, Miguel; Durán-Sindreu Terol, Fernando Salvador (Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 2016)
      Background: The objective of the study was to evaluate and compare how apical enlargement with K3 and K3XF nickel-titanium (NiTi) rotary instruments reduces the root thickness in the danger zone and ...
    • Daptomycin plus fosfomycin versus daptomycin alone for methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus bacteremia and endocarditis: a randomized clinical trial 

      Pujol, Miquel; Miró, José-María; Shaw, Evelyn; Aguado, Jose-María; San-Juan, Rafael; Puig-Asensio, Mireia; Pigrau, Carles; Calbo Sebastián, Esther; Montejo, Miguel; Rodriguez-Álvarez, Regino; Garcia-Pais, María-Jose; Pintado, Vicente; Escudero-Sánchez, Rosa; Lopez-Contreras, Joaquín (Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2021)
      Background: We aimed to determine whether daptomycin plus fosfomycin provides higher treatment success than daptomycin alone for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia and ...
    • Daptomycin plus fosfomycin versus daptomycin alone for methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus bacteremia and endocarditis: a randomized clinical trial 

      Pujol, Miquel; Miró, José-María; Shaw, Evelyn; Aguado, Jose-María; San-Juan, Rafael; Puig-Asensio, Mireia; Pigrau, Carles; Calbo Sebastián, Esther; Montejo, Miguel; Rodriguez-Álvarez, Regino; Garcia-Pais, María-Jose; Pintado, Vicente; Escudero-Sánchez, Rosa; Lopez-Contreras, Joaquín; Morata, Laura; Montero, Milagros; Andrés, Marta; Pasquau, Juan; Arenas, María-del-Mar; Padilla, Belén; Murillas, Javier; Jover-Sáenz, Alfredo; López-Cortes, Luis-Eduardo; García-Pardo, Graciano; Gasch, Oriol; Videla, Sebastian; Hereu, Pilar; Tebé, Cristian; Pallarès, Natalia; Sanllorente, Mireia; Domínguez, María-Ángeles; Càmara, Jordi; Ferrer, Anna; Padullés, Ariadna; Cuervo, Guillermo; Carratalà, Jordi; MRSA Bacteremia (BACSARM) Trial Investigators (Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2020)
      Background: We aimed to determine whether daptomycin plus fosfomycin provides higher treatment success than daptomycin alone for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia and ...
    • De la experiencia íntima del vestir al espacio público del vestido: esbozo de una fenomenología 

      Escribano, Xavier (Investigaciones Fenomenológicas, 2011)
      El propósito de este trabajo es mostrar que la perspectiva fenomenológica puede realizar una aportación interesante a la comprensión del acto de vestirse, como punto de encuentro entre lo íntimo y lo ...
    • De la hipervisibilitat al contacte: reflexions fenomenològiques sobre dansa, diversitat i igualtat 

      Escribano, Xavier (Convivium, 2020)
      En el món contemporani el cos humà es constitueix com un objecte visible fins a la transparència i modificable fins a la radical transformació, sotmès en bona mesura a la «tirania de la perfecció». En ...
    • Dealing with heterogeneity: an analysis of Spanish universities 

      Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Gil-Doménech, Dolors; De la Torre, Rocío (Tec Empresarial, 2019)
      Universities are highly dependent on regulatory frameworks, the geographical setting as well as on requirements for the creation of the different outputs they pursue. As a result, universities are ...
    • El debate actual entre privacidad y prevención del delito: una propuesta comunitarista 

      Agustina, José R. (InDret: Revista para el Análisis del Derecho, 2010)
    • Decapping protein EDC4 regulates DNA repair and phenocopies BRCA1 

      Hernández, Gonzalo; Ramírez, María José; Minguillón, Jordi; Quiles, Paco; Ruiz de Garibay, Gorka; Aza-Carmona, Miriam; Bogliolo, Massimo; Pujol, Roser; Prados-Carvajal, Rosario; Fernández, Juana; García, Nadia; López, Adrià; Gutiérrez-Enríquez, Sara; Diez, Orland; Benítez, Javier; Salinas, Mónica; Teulé, Alex; Brunet, Joan; Radice, Paolo; Peterlongo, Paolo; Schindler, Detlev; Huertas, Pablo; Puente, Xose S.; Lázaro, Conxi; Pujana, Miquel Àngel; Surrallés, Jordi (Nature Communications, 2018)
      BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor that regulates DNA repair by homologous recombination. Germline mutations in BRCA1 are associated with increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer and BRCA1 deficient tumors ...
    • Defect angle as prognostic indicator in the reconstructive therapy of peri-implantitis 

      Monje, Alberto; Pons, Ramón; Sculean, Anton; Nart Molina, José; Wang, Hom-Lay (Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 2023)
      Objective: To analyze the influence of the characteristics of bone defects caused by peri-implantitis on the clinical resolution and radiographic bone gain following reconstructive surgery. Methods: ...
    • Defective in mitotic arrest 1 (Dma1) ubiquitin ligase controls G1 cyclin degradation 

      Hernández-Ortega, Sara; Bru Rullo, Samuel; Ricco Pacheco, Natalia; Ramírez, Sara; Casals i Farré, Núria; Jiménez, Javier; Isasa, Marta; Crosas, Bernat; Clotet Erra, Josep (Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013-02)
      Progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle is controlled by diverse cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) that might be associated to numerous cyclin isoforms. Given such complexity, regulation of ...
    • Defensa, pragmatisme o menysteniment: actituds d’alguns autors catalans del segle XVII envers la llengua catalana 

      Baró Queralt, Xavier (Pedralbes: revista d'història moderna, 2008)
      Presentem al VIè Congrés d’Història Moderna de Catalunya una sèrie de recerques i reflexions al voltant d’un tema que, sens dubte, posa en evidència la diversitat cultural de la Catalunya del segle ...
    • Definition and validation of the nursing diagnosis label “wish to die”: a research protocol 

      Monforte-Royo, Cristina; Goni-Fuste, Blanca; Crespo, Iris; Pergolizzi, Denise; Martin Delgado, Leandra; Fuster, Pilar; Bellido Perez, Mercedes; Tomás Sábado, Joaquín; Rodríguez Prat, Andrea (BMC Nursing, 2024)
      Background: Euthanasia has been incorporated into the health services of seven countries. The legalisation of these practices has important repercussions for the competences of nurses, and it raises ...
    • Deformations and ruptures in human lenses with cortical cataract subjected to ex vivo simulated accommodation 

      Michael, Ralph; D'Antin, Justin Christopher; Pinilla Cortés, Laura; Burd, Harvey John; Sheil, Brian; Barraquer, Rafael I. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2021)
      Purpose: Human cortical opacities are most commonly accompanied by changes in lens fiber structure in the equatorial region at the lens nucleus–cortex interface. Cortex and nucleus have different elastic ...
    • Delayed cerebral vasculopathy in pneumococcal meningitis: epidemiology and clinical outcome. A cohort study 

      Boix-Palop, Lucía; Fernández, Tamara; Pelegrín, Iván; Obradors, Meritxell; García-Roulston, Kevin; Xercavins Valls, Mariona; García-Somoza, Dolors; Ardanuy, Carmen; Grau, Javier; Calbo Sebastián, Esther; Cabellos, Carmen (International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020-08)
      Background: To describe the prevalence, clinical characteristics, impact of systemic steroids exposure and outcomes of delayed cerebral vasculopathy (DCV) in a cohort of adult patients with pneumococcal ...