Now showing items 1508-1527 of 1744

    • Sostenibilización curricular en la educación superior: propuesta metodológica 

      Morilla, Fernández; Fuertes Camacho, M. Teresa; Albareda-Tiana, Silvia (Opción, 2015)
      La sostenibilización curricular no implica únicamente incluir contenidos ambientales en el temario de las asignaturas, sino que lleva asociado un cambio de paradigma del proceso educativo. En este trabajo ...
    • Spanish e-consumer segmentation and positioning in virtual supermarkets sector 

      Cristóbal Fransi, Eduard; Marimon Viadiu, Frederic; Daries, Natalia; Montegut Salla, Yolanda (International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2011)
      This article analyses different factors that influence the purchasing behaviour of online supermarket customers. These factors are related to both the appearance of the website as well as the processes ...
    • Spanish muslims’ halal food purchase intention 

      PRADANA, MAHIR; Huertas-Garcia, Ruben; Marimon, Frederic (International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2020)
      The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that influence purchase intention of halal food among spanish muslim consumers. Data were obtained from a survey of 228 consumers living in various ...
    • Spanish primary care survey on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection and dyspepsia: Information, attitudes, and decisions 

      McNicholl, Adrian G.; Amador, Javier; Ricote, Mercedes; Cañones-Garzón, Pedro J.; Gene, Emili; Calvet, Xavier; Gisbert, Javier P.; Spanish Primary Care Societies SEMFyC; SEMERGEN and SEMG, the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology; OPTICARE Long-Term Educational Project (Helicobacter, 2019)
      Introduction: Dyspepsia and Helicobacter pylori are two of the most relevant digestive conditions in primary care. Several consensuses on the subject have been published, but the assimilation/implementation ...
    • Spatial control of gene expression by miR319-regulated TCP transcription factors in leaf development 

      Bresso, Edgardo G.; Chorostecki, Uciel; Rodriguez, Ramiro E.; Palatnik, Javier F.; Schommer, Carla (Plant Physiology, 2018)
      The characteristic leaf shapes we see in all plants are in good part the outcome of the combined action of several transcription factor networks that translate into cell division activity during the ...
    • Spirituality and technology: a threefold philosophical reflection 

      Fernandez-Borsot, Gabriel (Zygon, 2023)
      Despite the prominent role that technology plays intwenty-first-century societies, the intersections between spiritualityand technology have been poorly analyzed. This article develops across-reflection ...
    • Staffing policies of leading professional service firms 

      Martínez-Costa, Carme; Mas-Machuca, Marta; Olivella, Jordi (Intangible Capital, 2019)
      Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyse the prevalence of the staffing policies associated with the characteristics of the two basic types of organisational configurations identified by Institutional ...
    • Stalin, el "educador del proletariado", y su influencia en la obra de Enver Hoxha 

      Baró Queralt, Xavier; Prodani, Anastasi; Gabili, Edlira (Historia Actual Online, 2021)
      En el conjunto de los países socialistas, la Albania de Enver Hoxha destacó por su elogio constante e indiscutido hacia la figura de Stalin. Tras la muerte del líder soviético (1953) el régimen enverista ...
    • Standardizing admission and discharge processes to improve patient flow: a cross sectional study 

      Ortiga Fontgivell, Berta; Salazar Soler, Albert; Jovell Fernández, Albert; Escarrabill, Joan; Marca, Guillem; Corbella Virós, Xavier (BMC Health Services Research, 2012-06-28)
      Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate how hospital capacity was managed focusing on standardizing the admission and discharge processes. Methods: This study was set in a 900-bed university ...
    • State of the art of different zirconia materials and their indications according to evidence-based clinical performance: a narrative review 

      Arellano, Alexia; PEÑATE, LISSETHE; Arregui, Maria; Giner-Tarrida, Luis; Cedeño, Rosario (Dentistry Journal, 2023)
      The aim of this study was to perform a narrative review to identify the modifications applied to the chemical structure of third- and fourth-generation zirconia ceramics and to determine the influence ...
    • Statins in cancer prevention and therapy 

      Ricco Pacheco, Andrea Natalia; Kron, Stephen J. (Cancers, 2023)
      Statins, a class of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors best known for their cholesterol-reducing and cardiovascular protective activity, have also demonstrated promise in cancer prevention and treatment. This ...
    • Statistical properties of metastable intermediates in DNA unzipping 

      Huguet, Josep Maria; Forns, N.; Ritort, F. (Physical Review Letters, 2009)
      We unzip DNA molecules using optical tweezers and determine the sizes of the cooperatively unzipping and zipping regions separating consecutive metastable intermediates along the unzipping pathway. Sizes ...
    • STEM education in childhood: perceptions of teachers 

      Fuertes Camacho, M. Teresa; Fernández Morilla, Mónica (TECHNO Review: International Technology, Science and Society Review, 2023)
      The skills promoted by STEM education are part of basic literac,y and some coun-tries are beginning to recognise their importance in the educational policies of the stage of children from 3 to 6 years ...
    • Stephen Jay Gould and Karl Popper on science and religion 

      BARZAGHI, AMERIGO MARIA; Corcó, Josep (Scientia et Fides, 2016)
      This paper analyzes the thought on science and religion of two thinkers that share essentially the same position: Stephen Jay Gould and Karl Popper. We first make a comparison between those passages ...
    • Still implementing ISO 14000 for the same reasons? 

      Mas-Machuca, Marta; Marimon, Frederic (International Journal for Quality Research, 2019)
      Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to (1) identify and classify the main motives that underpin the theoretical and empirical studies of ISO 14000, and (2) to analyze the evolution of these motives ...
    • Strategic discussion on funding and access to therapies targeting rare diseases in Spain: an expert consensus paper 

      Zozaya, N.; Villaseca, J.; Abdalla, F.; Ancochea, A.; Málaga, I.; Trapero-Bertran, Marta; Martín-Sobrino, N.; Delgado, O.; Ferré, P.; Hidalgo-Vega, A. (Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 2023)
      Background: In recent years, significant advances have been made in the field of rare diseases (RDs). However, there is a large number of RDs without specific treatment and half of these treatments have ...
    • Strength training vs. aerobic training for managing pain and physical function in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Ceballos-Laita, Luis; Lahuerta-Martín, Silvia; Carrasco-Uribarren, Andoni; Cabanillas-Barea, Sara; Hernández-Lázaro, Héctor; Pérez-Guillén, Silvia; Jiménez-del-Barrio, Sandra (Healthcare, 2024)
      (1) Background: Strength training (ST) and aerobic training (AT) are the most recommended interventions in patients with knee OA. These recommendations are supported by high-quality evidence, but it is ...
    • Strengths and weaknesses of computer science degrees: the perception from European students 

      Porta, Marcela; Maillet, Katherine; Martínez-Costa, Carme; Mas-Machuca, Marta (Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM), 2012)
      Purpose: The following investigation aims to highlight strengths and weaknesses of the computer science degree from the part of students. Design/methodology/approach: This paper presents the results ...
    • A stronghold of climate change denialism in Germany: case study of the output and press representation of the Think Tank EIKE 

      Moreno Cabezudo, Jose Antonio; Kinn, Mira; Narberhaus, Marta (International Journal of Communication, 2021)
      Climate change denialist think tanks have played a major role in climate obstructionism in the United States, and we are beginning to learn that there are also certain European think tanks acting in ...
    • Structural (betaalpha) 8 TIM barrel model of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A lyase 

      Casals i Farré, Núria; Gómez-Puertas, Paulino; Pié, Juan; Mir, Cecilia; Roca, Ramón; Puisac, Beatriz; Aledo, Rosa; Clotet Erra, Josep; Menao, Sebastián; Serra, Dolors; Asins, Guillermina; Till, Jacqueline; Elias-Jones, Alun C.; Cresto, Juan C.; Chamoles, Nestor A.; Abdenur, Jose E.; Mayatepek, Ertan; Besley, Guy; Valencia, Alfonso; Hegardt, Fausto G. (Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2003)
      This study describes three novel homozygous missense mutations (S75R, S201Y, and D204N) in the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) lyase gene, which caused 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric aciduria in ...