Now showing items 743-762 of 1744

    • Gender differences in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia severity 

      Mora-Luján, José María; Iriarte, Adriana; Alba, E.; Sánchez-Corral, M. A.; Cerdà, Pau; Cruellas, F.; Ordi, Q.; Corbella Virós, Xavier; Ribas, Jesús; Castellote, J.; Riera-Mestre, Antoni (Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 2020)
      Background: Gender differences in organ involvement and clinical severity have been poorly described in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). The aim of this study was to describe differences in ...
    • Gender differences in labour losses associated with smoking-related mortality 

      Oliva Moreno, Juan; Trapero Bertran, Marta; Peña-Longobardo, Luz María (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019-09-28)
      The aim of this paper was to estimate the number of premature deaths, years of potential productive life lost (YPPLL) and labour losses attributable to tobacco smoking due to premature death by gender ...
    • Gender differences in suicidal behavior in adolescents and young adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies 

      Miranda-Mendizábal, Andrea; Castellví Obiols, Pere; Parés Badell, Oleguer; Alayo, Itxaso; Almenara, José; Alonso, Iciar; Blasco, Maria Jesús; Cebrià, Ana Isabel; Gabilondo Cuéllar, Andrea; Gili, Margalida; Lagares, Carolina; Piqueras, José Antonio; Rodríguez-Jiménez, Tiscar; Rodríguez-Marín, Jesús; Roca, Miquel; Soto-Sanz, Victoria; Vilagut, Gemma; Alonso, Jordi (International Journal of Public Health, 2019)
      Objectives: To assess the association between gender and suicide attempt/death and identify gender-specific risk/protective factors in adolescents/young adults. Methods: Systematic review (5 databases ...
    • Genetic and clinical heterogeneity in thirteen new cases with aceruloplasminemia. Atypical anemia as a clue for an early diagnosis 

      Vila Cuenca, Marc; Marchi, Giacomo; Barqué, Anna; Esteban-Jurado, Clara; Marchetto, Alessandro; Giorgetti, Alejandro; Chelban, Viorica; Houlden, Henry; Wood, Nicholas W.; Piubelli, Chiara; Dorigatti Borges, Marina; Martins de Albuquerque, Dulcinéia; Yotsumoto Fertrin, Kleber; Jové-Buxeda, Ester; Sanchez-Delgado, Jordi; Baena-Díez, Neus; Burnyte, Birute; Utkus, Algirdas; Busti, Fabiana; Kaubrys, Gintaras; Suku, Eda; Kowalczyk, Kamil; Karaszewski, Bartosz; Porter, John B.; Pollard, Sally; Eleftheriou, Perla; Bignell, Patricia; Girelli, Domenico; Sanchez, Mayka (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020)
      Aceruloplasminemia is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disease characterized by mild microcytic anemia, diabetes, retinopathy, liver disease, and progressive neurological symptoms due to iron accumulation ...
    • Genetic screening for TLR7 variants in young and previously healthy men with severe COVID-19 

      Solanich, Xavier; Vargas-Parra, Gardenia; Van der Made, Caspar I.; Simons, Annet; Schuurs-Hoeijmakers, Janneke; Antolí, Arnau; Del Valle, Jesús; Rocamora-Blanch, Gemma; Setién, Fernando; Esteller, Manel; Van Reijmersdal, Simon V.; Riera-Mestre, Antoni; Sabater-Riera, Joan; Capellà, Gabriel; Van de Veerdonk, Frank L.; Van der Hoven, Ben; Corbella Virós, Xavier; Hoischen, Alexander; Lázaro, Conxi (Frontiers in Immunology, 2021)
      Introduction: Loss-of-function TLR7 variants have been recently reported in a small number of males to underlie strong predisposition to severe COVID-19. We aimed to determine the presence of these rare ...
    • Genomic and serologic characterization ofenterovirus A71 brainstem encephalitis 

      Leon, Kristoffer E.; Schubert, Ryan D.; Casas-Alba, Didac; Hawes, Isobel A.; Ramachandran, Prashanth S.; Ramesh, Akshaya; Pak, John E.; Wu, Wesley; Cheung, Carly K.; Crawford, Emily D.; Khan, Lillian M.; Launes, Cristian; Sample, Hannah A.; Zorn, Kelsey C.; Cabrerizo, María; Valero-Rello, Ana; Langelier, Charles; Muñoz-Almagro, Carmen; DeRisi, Joseph L.; Wilson, Michael R. (Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 2020)
      Objective: In 2016, Catalonia experienced a pediatric brainstem encephalitis outbreak caused by enterovirus A71 (EV-A71). Conventional testing identified EV in the periphery but rarely in CSF. Metagenomic ...
    • Gestión de la comunicación y las Relaciones Públicas en Gabinetes de ONGs en Valencia. Las Relaciones con los Medios en los Gabinetes de Cruz Roja, Cáritas, Manos Unidas, Fontilles, Casa Caridad y Casa Cuna Santa Isabel (2011) 

      Regadera, Elisa; Paricio, Pilar (Sphera Publica. Revista de ciencias sociales y de la comunicación, 2014-06-05)
      En un contexto de crisis económica como el actual la labor de las organizaciones del Tercer Sector es especialmente reconocida, siendo el Gabinete de comunicación una de las áreas básicas de su gestión ...
    • La gestión de las cooperativas agrarias: tipificación de las cooperativas del sector oleícola de Catalunya 

      Cristobal-Fransi, Eduard; Montegut Salla, Yolanda; Marimon, Frederic (CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 2007-10)
      Las cooperativas constituyen el eje básico de la Economía Social en el sector agrario, tanto por su importancia empresarial como por las características propias de su organización. El presente trabajo ...
    • La gestión del supermercado virtual: Tipificación del comportamiento del cliente online 

      Cristobal-Fransi, Eduard; Marimon, Frederic (Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 2011-01)
      Este artículo analiza diferentes elementos que influyen en el comportamiento de compra del cliente de un supermercado online. Estos elementos están relacionados tanto con aspectos estéticos del sitio ...
    • Gestión del valor de marca en las empresas de prensa. El caso de La vanguardia 

      Victoria-Mas, María; Lacasa-Mas, Ivan (El Profesional de la Información, 2015)
      Las empresas de prensa han extendido sus marcas gracias a las oportunidades de distribución de contenidos que los nuevos medios les ofrecen. El valor de sus marcas constituye su principal ventaja ...
    • Gesto y palabra: la esencia emocional del lenguaje según Maurice Merleau-Ponty 

      Escribano, Xavier (Thémata. Revista de Filosofía, 2000)
    • Ghrelin causes a decline in GABA release by reducing fatty acid oxidation in cortex 

      Mir, Joan Francesc; Zagmutt, Sebastián; Lichtenstein, Mathieu P.; García-Villoria, Judit; Weber, Minéia; Gracia, Ana; Fabriàs, Gemma; Casas, Josefina; López, Miguel; Casals i Farré, Núria; Ribes, Antònia; Suñol, Cristina; Herrero Rodríguez, Laura; Serra, Dolors (Springer Nature, 2018)
      Lipid metabolism, specifically fatty acid oxidation (FAO) mediated by carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) 1A, has been described to be an important actor of ghrelin action in hypothalamus. However, it ...
    • Gisemundus and the orientation of the romanesque churches in the spanish pyrenees (11th-13th centuries) 

      LLuis i Ginovart, Josep; UGALDE BLÁZQUEZ, IÑIGO; Lluis-Teruel, Cinta (Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 2021)
      This study examines an ensemble of thirty-two Romanesque churches in the region of Boí Valley and Aran Valley in the Spanish Pyrenees, built between the 11th and 13th centuries. The data obtained allowed ...
    • Global signalling network analysis of luminal T47D breast cancer cells in response to progesterone 

      Wright, Roni; Vastolo, Viviana; Quilez, Javier; Carbonell Caballero, José; Beato, Miguel (Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2022)
      Background: Breast cancer cells enter into the cell cycle following progestin exposure by the activation of signalling cascades involving a plethora of enzymes, transcription factors and co-factors that ...
    • Globalization and the attitudes toward higher education: a policy discussion 

      Agnese, Pablo; Hromcova, Jana (INFER Policy Brief Series, 2018)
      We study how attitudes toward higher education may affect labor market outcomes in the context of globalization. In particular, we find that different educational attitudes are responsible for differences ...
    • Globalization, welfare, and the attitudes toward higher education 

      Hromcová, Jana; Agnese, Pablo (Economic Modelling, 2019)
      In this paper we study how the attitudes toward higher education may affect labor market outcomes in the context of globalization. In particular, we show that different educational attitudes are responsible ...
    • Gobierno abierto en la gestión de los ayuntamientos: política informacional e intermediación a través de las redes sociales del ayuntamiento de Sant Cugat del Vallès 

      González Romo, Zahaira Fabiola; Fernández Álvarez, Juan Manuel (Inmediaciones de la Comunicación, 2020)
      La política informacional ha propiciado un cambio de relaciones entre la administración pública y los medios de comunicación, entre el político y el periodista o entre el alcalde y el ciudadano; ha ...
    • Governing the media: web analytics in spanish newsrooms 

      Justel Vázquez, Santiago; Micó, Josep-Lluís; Ordeix, Enric (Trípodos, 2018)
      The arrival of the Internet forced the media to transform its traditional business model and has revolutionized journalism with an “explosion” of new techniques, tools, assumptions and expectations ...
    • Growth rate as a direct regulator of the start network to set cell size 

      Aldea Malo, Martí; Jenkins, Kirsten; Csikász-Nagy, Attila (Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2017-05-26)
      Cells are able to adjust their growth and size to external inputs to comply with specific fates and developmental programs. Molecular pathways controlling growth also have an enormous impact in cell ...
    • Guiding bone formation using semi-onlay calcium phosphate implants in an ovine calvarial model 

      Hulsart-Billström, Gry; Lopes, Viviana; Illies, Christopher; Gallinetti, Sara; Aberg, Jonas; Engqvist, Hakan; Aparicio, Conrado; Larsson, Sune; Burenstam Linder, Lars; Birgersson, Ulrik (Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2022)
      The restoration of cranio-maxillofacial deformities often requires complex reconstructive surgery in a challenging anatomical region, with abnormal soft tissue structures and bony deficits. In this ...