Now showing items 1706-1725 of 3574

    • How language environment, age and cognitive capacity support the bilingual development of Syrian refugee children recently arrived in Canada 

      Paradis, Johanne; Soto-Corominas, Adriana; Chen, Xi; Gottardo, Alexandra (Applied Psycholinguistics, 2020)
      Research on the bilingual development of refugee children is limited, despite this group having distinct characteristics and migration experiences that could impact language development. This study ...
    • Human immunodeficiency virus/hepatits C virus coinfection in Spain: elimination Is feasible, but the burden of residual cirrhosis will be significant 

      Berenguer, Juan; Jarrín, Inmaculada; Pérez-Latorre, Leire; Hontañón, Víctor; Vivancos, María J.; Navarro, Jordi; Téllez, María J.; Guardiola Tey, Josep Maria; Iribarren, José A.; Rivero-Juárez, Antonio; Márquez, Manuel; Artero, Arturo; Morano, Luis; Santos, Ignacio; Moreno, Javier; Fariñas, María C.; Galindo, María J.; Hernando, María A.; Montero, Marta; Cifuentes, Carmen; Domingo, Pere; Sanz, José; Domíngez, Lourdes; Ferrero, Oscar L.; De la Fuente, Belén; Rodríguez, Carmen; Reus, Sergio; Hernández-Quero, José; Gaspar, Gabriel; Pérez-Martínez, Laura; García, Coral; Force, Lluis; Veloso, Sergio; Losa, Juan E.; Vilaró, Josep; Bernal, Enrique; Arponen, Sari; Ortí, Amat J.; Chocarro, Ángel; Teira, Ramón; Alonso, Gerardo; Silvariño, Rafael; Vegas, Ana; Geijo, Paloma; Bisbe, Josep; Esteban, Herminia; González-García, Juan; GeSIDA 8514 Study Group (Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2018-01)
      Background: We assessed the prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis C virus (HCV-Abs) and active HCV infection in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Spain in 2016 and compared ...
    • Human whole blood interactions with craniomaxillofacial reconstruction materials: exploring In vitro the role of blood cascades and leukocytes in early healing events 

      Lopes, Viviana; Birgersson, Ulrik; Anand, Vivek; Hulsart-Billström, Gry; Gallinetti, Sara; Aparicio, Conrado; Hong, Jaan (Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2023)
      The present study investigated early interactions between three alloplastic materials (calcium phosphate (CaP), titanium alloy (Ti), and polyetheretherketone (PEEK) with human whole blood using an ...
    • Humanismo Empresarial, ética y responsabilidad social en el pensamiento de Peter Drucker 

      País Nassel, Elvira (Date of defense: 2016-05-25)
      A Peter Drucker se lo puede considerar dentro de la escuela del humanismo, la ética y la responsabilidad social empresarial ya que son los tres principios que se encuentran en su obra sobre management ...
    • Les Humanitats, motor de desenvolupament 

      Vallès-Botey, Teresa (Temps d’Educació, 2016)
      Aquest article proposa una resposta a la pregunta sobre la funció i orientació pròpies del grau en Humanitats. En aquest sentit, reafirmem la confiança en la capacitat que tenen avui les humanitats de ...
    • Humanities courses in all degrees: the case of the International University of Catalonia 

      Escribano López, Francesc Xavier; Fernandez-Borsot, Gabriel; Urbano Lorente, Judith (2019)
    • Humo de tercera mano y otros retos del control del tabaquismo en población pediátrica 

      Lidón Moyano, Cristina; Díez-Izquierdo, Ana; Martínez Sánchez, Jose María (Anales de Pediatría, 2020)
    • Hydrops fetalis caused by congenital syphilis: an ancient disease? 

      Ramis Fernández, Sofía Martina; Alsina-Casanova, Miguel; Herranz-Barbero, Ana; Aldecoa-Bilbao, Victoria; Borràs-Novell, Cristina; Salvia-Roges, Dolors (International Journal of STD & AIDS, 2019)
      Syphilis is currently an emerging health problem, especially in high-income countries. Infection rates have increased significantly in European countries such as the United Kingdom and Spain in the last ...
    • Hymenal tags of the newborn 

      Di Candia, Angela; Silecchia, Valeria; Valerio, Enrico; Furcolo, Giuseppe; Palatron, Silvia; Cutrone, Mario; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Journal of Dermatological Research, 2019)
      Evaluation of female newborn genitalia should always be carried out at pre-discharge visit in hospital nurseries in order to exclude gross malformations, potentially compatible with genetic and/or ...
    • Hypothalamic AMPK-ER Stress-JNK1 axis mediates the central actions of thyroid hormones on energy balance 

      Martinez-Sanchez, Noelia; Seoane-Collazo, Patricia; Contreras, Cristina; Varela, Luis; Villarroya, Joan; Rial-Pensado, Eva; Buque, Xabier; Aurrekoetxea, Igor; Delgado, Teresa C.; Vazquez-Martinez, Rafael; Gonzalez-Garcia, Ismael; Roa, Juan; Whittle, Andrew J.; Gomez-Santos, Beatriz; Velagapudi, Vidya; Loraine Tung, Y. C.; Morgan, Donald A.; Voshol, Peter J.; Martinez de Morentin, Pablo B.; Lopez-Gonzalez, Tania; Linares-Pose, Laura; Gonzalez, Francisco; Chatterjee, Krishna; Sobrino, Tomas; Medina-Gomez, Gema; Davis, Roger J.; Casals i Farré, Núria; Oresic, Matej; Coll, Anthony P.; Vidal-Puig, Antonio; Mittag, Jens; Tena-Sempere, Manuel; Malagon, Maria M.; Dieguez, Carlos; Martinez-Chantar, Maria Luz; Aspichueta, Patricia; Rahmouni, Kamal; Nogueiras, Rubén; Sabio, Guadalupe; Villarroya, Francesc; Lopez, Miguel (Cell Metabolism, 2017-07)
      Thyroid hormones (THs) act in the brain to modulate energy balance. We show that central triiodothyronine (T3) regulates de novo lipogenesis in liver and lipid oxidation in brown adipose tissue (BAT) ...
    • Hypothalamic Ceramide Levels regulated by CPT1C mediate the Orexigenic effect of Ghrelin 

      Ramírez Flores, Sara (Date of defense: 2014-07-31)
      Recent data suggest that ghrelin exerts its orexigenic action through regulation of hypothalamic AMP-activated protein kinase pathway, leading to a decline in malonyl-CoA levels and desinhibition of ...
    • Hypothalamic endocannabinoids in obesity: an old story with new challenges 

      Miralpeix Monclús, Cristina; Reguera, Ana Cristina; Fosch, Anna; Zagmutt, Sebastián; Casals i Farré, Núria; Cota, Daniela; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Rosalía (Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2021)
      The crucial role of the hypothalamus in the pathogenesis of obesity is widely recognized, while the precise molecular and cellular mechanisms involved are the focus of intense research. A disrupted ...
    • Hypothalamic endocannabinoids inversely correlate with the development of diet-induced obesity in male and female mice 

      Miralpeix Monclús, Cristina; Fosch, Anna; Casas, Josefina; Baena, Miguel; Herrero Rodríguez, Laura; Serra, Dolors; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Rosalía; Casals i Farré, Núria (Journal of Lipid Research, 2019-07)
      The endocannabinoid (eCB) system regulates energy homeostasis and is linked to obesity development. However, the exact dynamic and regulation of eCBs in the hypothalamus during obesity progression remain ...
    • Hypothalamic regulation of obesity 

      Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Rosalía; Miralpeix Monclús, Cristina (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021)
      Obesity has now reached pandemic proportions and represents a major socioeconomic and health problem in our societies. Up to now, obesity has been considered a medical issue only in high-income countries, ...
    • I Workshop acompanyament familiar 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2022-05-10)
      Amb motiu del I Workshop Internacional d'acompanyament familiar que organitza l'Institut d'Estudis Superiors de la Família (UIC Barcelona), des de la Biblioteca volem acompanyar aquesta jornada amb una ...
    • Iberact: by performers, for performers 

      Campos Ferreira, Matilde Silva (2023)
      The Cultural sector in Spain has progressively shown a decline in funding, projects and attendance, and being Barcelona the leader in Performing Arts with a high volume of activity, it’s important to ...
    • ICT skills gap in Spain: before and after a decade of harmonizing the European Higher Education Area 

      Llorens, Ariadna; Prat Farran, Joana d'Arc; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina (Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2019)
      This study examines the impact that the implementation of the European Higher Education Area has had on engineers in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. Specifically, we focus on ...
    • Les idees de Vauban en el regne d’Espanya en el segle XVIII 

      Santonja Alarcón, Ramón (Revista Humanitats, 2018-09-04)
      En el següent article s’intenta abordar des de distintes perspectives el que va suposar el revolucionari de l’art i la ciència unit en l’avanç del baluard des d’un punt de vista militar, científic, ...
    • Identidad europea: ¿raíces jurídicas? 

      Serrano Daurá, Josep (Revista d'Humanitats, 2019)
    • Identificació Precoç de la Infecció Greu del Lloc Quirúrgic en Cirurgia Colo-Rectal Electiva Mitjançant els Marcadors Biològics Proteïna C-Reactiva i Lactat Venós. 

      Juvany Gómez, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2016-03-10)
      Previous studies demonstrated that increased levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) after colo-rectal surgery are correlated to postoperative organ-space surgical site infection (OS-SSI) even at 48 hours ...