Now showing items 1-20 of 25

    • Advantages and disadvantages of implant navigation surgery. A systematic review 

      Gargallo-Albiol, Jordi; Barootchi, Shayan; Salomó-Coll, Oscar; Wang, Hom-Lay (Annals of Anatomy, 2019)
      This review elucidates the advantages and disadvantages of the different implant navigation methods to assist the precise surgical placement of dental implants. Implant navigation surgery can be classified ...
    • Association between soluble angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in saliva and SARS-CoV-2 infection: a cross-sectional study 

      Bru, Samuel; Brotons, Pedro; Jordan, Iolanda; Alsina, Laia; Henares, Desiree; Carballar, Reyes; Fernandez de Sevilla, Mariona; Barrabeig, Irene; Fumado, Victoria; Baro, Bàrbara; Martínez-Láinez, Joan Marc; Garcia-Garcia, Juan J.; Bassat, Quique; Balaguer, Albert; Clotet, Josep; Launes, Cristian; Muñoz Almagro, Carmen (Scientific Reports, 2023)
      This study aimed to investigate the association between saliva soluble angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (sACE2) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in children and ...
    • CDK6 is activated by the atypical cyclin I to promote E2F-mediated gene expression and cancer cell proliferation 

      Quandt Herrera, Eva; Masip Sales, Núria; Hernández Ortega, Sara; Sánchez‑Botet, Abril; Gasa, Laura; Fernández-Elorduy, Ainhoa; Plutta, Sara; Martínez Láinez, Joan Marc; Bru Rullo, Samuel; Munoz-Torres, Pau M.; Floor, Martin; Villà-Freixa, Jordi; Morris, May C.; Vidal, August; Villanueva, Alberto; Clotet, Josep; Ribeiro, Mariana (Molecular Oncology, 2023)
      Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), together with their cyclin partners, are the master cell cycle regulators. Remarkably, the cyclin family was extended to include atypical cyclins, characterized by ...
    • Chemoselective coatings of GL13K antimicrobial peptides for dental implants 

      Mutreja, Isha; Lan, Caixia; Li, Qishun; Aparicio, Conrado (Pharmaceutics, 2023)
      Dental implant−associated infection is a clinical challenge which poses a significant healthcare and socio−economic burden. To overcome this issue, developing antimicrobial surfaces, including antimicrobial ...
    • Comparison between sandblasted acid-etched and oxidized titanium dental implants: in vivo study 

      Velasco-Ortega, Eugenio; Ortiz-Garcia, Iván; Jiménez Guerra, Álvaro; Monsalve Guil, Loreto; Muñoz Guzón, Fernando; Pérez Antoñanzas, Roman; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019-07-03)
      The surface modifications of titanium dental implants play important roles in the enhancement of osseointegration. The objective of the present study was to test two di erent implant surface treatments ...
    • COVID-19 lockdown: impact on oral health-related behaviors and practices of portuguese and spanish children 

      Costa, Ana Luísa; Pereira, Joana Leonor; Franco, Lara; Guinot Jimeno, Francisco (International Journal of Environmental Reseacrh and Public Health, 2022)
      This study aimed to assess and compare the impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on the oral health attitudes, dietary habits and access to dental care of Portuguese and Spanish children. A cross-sectional ...
    • ¿Cuál es su diagnóstico? 

      Sambo Salas, Paola Cristina; Lasa Menéndez, Víctor; Prieto Gundin, Alejandra; Suñol, Mariona; Rubio-Palau, Josep (Revista Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial, 2019)
      Se presenta el caso de un niño de 11 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos de interés y correctamente vacunado, que acude por presentar una tumoración mandibular dolorosa de 1 mes de evolución. Se ...
    • Determination of fluid leakages in the different screw-retained implant-abutment connections in a mechanical artificial mouth 

      Martin Gili, David; Molmeneu Trias, Meritxell; Fernández Yagüe, Marc Antoni; Punset Fuste, Miquel; Giner Tarrida, Lluís; Armengou, Jaume; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier (Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2015-07-15)
      This study shows the potential risk of microfiltration between two different types of implant-abutment connections screwed at 45 Ncm: external and internal. For the first time the use of a mechanical ...
    • Effect of different implant designs on strain and stress distribution under non-axial loading: a three-dimensional finite element analysis 

      Oliveira, Hélder; Brizuela-Velasco, Aritza; Ríos-Santos, José-Vicente; Sánchez Lasheras, Fernando; Ferreira Lemos, Bernardo; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier; Carvalho, Alexandrine; Herrero-Climent, Mariano (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020)
      Implant design evolved alongside the development of implant therapy. The purpose of this finite element analysis (FEA) study was to analyze the influence of different implant designs on the stress and ...
    • Effectiveness of a self-management programme in the treatment of antivitamin K oral anticoagulants. A feasibility study 

      Vall Vargas, Alba; Altes Hernandez, Albert; Arnau, Anna; Constans Cots, Mireia; Gallart Fernández-Puebla, Alberto; De Juan Pardo, María Ángeles (Medicina Clínica, 2020)
      Introducción y objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia de un programa de autocontrol en pacientes con tratamiento anticoagulante oral (TAO) en el mantenimiento del nivel ratio internacional normalizada (INR) en ...
    • Evaluation and comparison of oral health status between spanish and immigrant children residing in Barcelona, Spain 

      Veloso, Ana; Framis-de-Mena, Blanca; Vázquez Salceda, Maria Carmen; Guinot Jimeno, Francisco (Children, 2022)
      The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the level of oral health among Spanish and immigrant children residing in Barcelona, Spain. Oral health status was evaluated in 1400 children aged 3 to ...
    • Evaluation of bone loss in antibacterial coated dental implants: an experimental study in dogs 

      Godoy Gallardo, Maria; Manzanares-Céspedes, Maria Cristina; Sevilla Sánchez, Pablo; Nart Molina, José; Manzanares, Norberto; Manero Planella, José María; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier; Boyd, Steven K.; Rodríguez, Daniel (Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2016-12)
      The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo effect of antibacterial modified dental implants in the first stages of peri-implantitis. Thirty dental implants were inserted in the mandibular premolar ...
    • Gut microbial dysbiosis in patients with Cushing’s disease in long-term remission. Relationship with cardiometabolic risk 

      Valassi, Elena; Chaysavanh, Manichanh; Amodru, Vincent; González Fernández, Pedro; Gaztambide, Sonia; Yañez, Francisca; Martel Duguech, Luciana; Puig Domingo, Manuel; Webb, Susan (Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2023)
      Background: Patients with Cushing’s disease (CD) in remission maintain an increased cardiovascular risk. Impaired characteristics of gut microbiome (dysbiosis) have been associated with several ...
    • High effectiveness of a 14-day concomitant therapy for helicobacter pylori treatment in primary care. An observational multicenter study 

      Olmedo, Llum; Azagra, Rafael; Aguyé, Amada; Pascual, Marta; Calvet, Xavier; Gené Tous, Emilio Miguel (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2020)
      Background: The current cure rates with triple therapy combining a proton-pump inhibitor, amoxicillin and clarithromycin are unacceptably low. Aims: To evaluate the efficacy of a 14-day concomitant ...
    • Manejo de pacientes en cirugía oral y maxilofacial durante el periodo de crisis y de control posterior de la pandemia de COVID-19 

      Monje Gil, Florencio; López-Cedrún Cembranos, José Luis; Redondo Alamillos, Marta; Valdés Beltrán, Andrés; Almeida Parra, Fernando; Gómez García, Elena; Díaz-Mauriño y Garrido-Lestache, José Carlos; Tousidonis Rial, Manuel Alejandro; Ruiz-Laza, Luis; Sastre Pérez, Jesús; Ranz Colio, Álvaro; Acebal Blanco, Faustino; RUBIO-PALAU, JOSEP; Marina, Manuel de Pedro; Redondo González, Luis Miguel; Pla Esparza, Amparo; Infante-Cossío, Pedro (Revista Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial, 2020)
      La pandemia por la nueva infección respiratoria conocida como enfermedad coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2, ha desencadenado una perturbación sin precedentes en la actividad ...
    • Mineralization of titanium surfaces: biomimetic implants 

      Gil Mur, Francisco Javier; Manero Planella, José María; Rupérez de Gracia, Elisa; Velasco-Ortega, Eugenio; Jiménez-Guerra, Alvaro; Ortiz-Garcia, Iván; Monsalve Guil, Loreto (Materials, 2021)
      The surface modification by the formation of apatitic compounds, such as hydroxyapatite, improves biological fixation implants at an early stage after implantation. The structure, which is identical to ...
    • Nasopharyngeal microbiota in children with invasive pneumococcal disease: identification of bacteria with potential disease-promoting and protective effects 

      Camelo-Castillo, Anny; Henares, Desirée; Brotons, Pedro; Galiana, Antonio; Rodríguez, Juan Carlos; Mira, Alex; Muñoz-Almagro, Carmen; Catalan Study Group of Host- Pathogen Interaction in Patients With IPD (Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019)
      Background and Aims: The risk of suffering from some infectious diseases can be related to specific microbiota profiles. Specifically, the nasopharyngeal microbiota could play a role as a risk or ...
    • Phosphoregulation of the oncogenic protein regulator of cytokinesis 1 (PRC1) by the atypical CDK16/CCNY complex 

      Hernández Ortega, Sara; Sánchez Botet, Abril; Quandt Herrera, Eva; Masip, Núria; Gasa Colom, Laura; Verde, Gaetano; Jiménez Jiménez, Javier; Levin, Rebecca; Rugatanira, Florentine U.; Burlingame, Alma L.; Wolfgeher, Donald; P.C. Ribeiro, Mariana; Kron, Stephen J.; M. Shokat, Kevan; Clotet Erra, Josep (2019)
      CDK16 (also known as PCTAIRE1 or PCTK1) is an atypical member of the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) family that forms an active complex with cyclin Y (CCNY). Although both proteins have been recently ...
    • Proteasomal-mediated degradation of AKAP150 accompanies AMPAR endocytosis during cLTD 

      Cheng, Wenwen; Siedlecki-Wullich, Dolores; Català-Solsona, Judit; Fábregas, Cristina; Fadó Andrés, Rut; Casals i Farré, Núria; Solé, Montse; Unzeta, Mercedes; Saura, Carlos A.; Rodríguez-Álvarez, José; Miñano Molina, Alfredo Jesús (eNeuro, 2020-03-23)
      The number and function of synaptic AMPA receptors (AMPARs) tightly regulates excitatory synaptic transmission. Current evidence suggests that AMPARs are inserted into the postsynaptic membrane during ...
    • Rapid molecular syndromic testing for aetiological diagnosis of gastrointestinal infections and targeted antimicrobial prescription: experience from a reference paediatric hospital in Spain 

      Castany-Feixas, Marta; Simo, Silvia; Garcia-Garcia, Selene; Fernandez de Sevilla, Mariona; Launes, Cristian; Kalkgruber, Marlene; Gene, Amadeu; Muñoz-Almagro, Carmen; Brotons, Pedro (European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 2021)
      Aetiological diagnosis of gastrointestinal infections is challenging since a wide range of bacteria, parasites and viruses can be causal agents and derived clinical manifestations appear quite similar. ...