• A perspective on the role of physiological stresses in cancer, diabetes and cognitive disease as environmental diseases 

      Esterhuizen, Maranda; Park, Chang-Beom; Kim, Young Jun; Kim, Tae-Young; Yoon, Hakwon; Andres, Frederic; Rodriguez Rodriguez, Rosalia; Tanabe, Shihori (Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 2023)
      With rapid industrialization, urbanization, and climate change, the impact of environmental factors on human health is becoming increasingly evident and understanding the complex mechanisms involved is ...
    • A quick diagnosis unit as an alternative to conventional hospitalization in a tertiary public hospital: a descriptive study 

      Sanclemente-Ansó, Carmen; Salazar Soler, Albert; Bosch, Xavier; Capdevila, Cristina; Vallano, Antoni; Català, Isabel; Fernandez‑Alarza, Antonio F.; Rosón-Hernández, Beatriz; Corbella Virós, Xavier (Polish Archives of Internal Medicine, 2013-09-24)
      Introduction: Reports indicate that a significant number of patients admitted to internal medicine units could be studied on an outpatient basis. Objectives: This article assesses a quick diagnosis unit ...
    • Correlation between tobacco control policies and mortality of haematological cancers across Europe: an ecological study 

      Mehta, Dipal; Dennis, Rory; Nallamilli, Susanna; Vithayathil, Mathew; Martínez Sánchez, Jose María (Tobacco, Prevention & Cessation, 2021)
      Introduction: To determine the correlation between tobacco control policies and mortality of haematological malignancies: leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma (MM). Methods: Ecological study with the ...
    • Cost-effectiveness of strategies to increase screening coverage for cervical cancer in Spain: the CRIVERVA study 

      Trapero-Bertran, Marta; Acera Perez, Amèlia; de Sanjose, Silvia; Manresa Domínguez, Josep Maria; Rodríguez Capriles, Diego; Rodríguez Martínez, Ana; Bonet Simó, Josep Maria; Sánchez Sánchez, Norman; Hidalgo Valls, Pablo; Díaz Sanchis, Mireia (BMC Public Health, 2017-02-06)
      Background The aim of the study is to carry out a cost-effectiveness analysis of three different interventions to promote the uptake of screening for cervical cancer in general practice in the county ...
    • Current and future perspectives in lung cancer prevention 

      González-Marrón, Adrián; Martín-Sánchez, Juan Carlos; Martínez-Sánchez, Jose M. (Precision Cancer Medicine, 2020)
      Smoking is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Tobacco smoke contains thousands of different heterogeneous substances, dozens of them classified as carcinogenic for humans, ...
    • Current and future perspectives in lung cancer prevention 

      González-Marrón, Adrián; Martín-Sánchez, Juan Carlos; Martínez-Sánchez, Jose M. (Precision Cancer Medicine: a Journal Aiming to Deliver a Lasting Blow to Cancer, 2020)
      Smoking is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Tobacco smoke contains thousands of different heterogeneous substances, dozens of them classified as carcinogenic for humans, ...
    • Decapping protein EDC4 regulates DNA repair and phenocopies BRCA1 

      Hernández, Gonzalo; Ramírez, María José; Minguillón, Jordi; Quiles, Paco; Ruiz de Garibay, Gorka; Aza-Carmona, Miriam; Bogliolo, Massimo; Pujol, Roser; Prados-Carvajal, Rosario; Fernández, Juana; García, Nadia; López, Adrià; Gutiérrez-Enríquez, Sara; Diez, Orland; Benítez, Javier; Salinas, Mónica; Teulé, Alex; Brunet, Joan; Radice, Paolo; Peterlongo, Paolo; Schindler, Detlev; Huertas, Pablo; Puente, Xose S.; Lázaro, Conxi; Pujana, Miquel Àngel; Surrallés, Jordi (Nature Communications, 2018)
      BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor that regulates DNA repair by homologous recombination. Germline mutations in BRCA1 are associated with increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer and BRCA1 deficient tumors ...
    • Estrategias de afrontamiento y calidad de vida en el paciente oncológico 

      Moreno Fernández, Carmen (2016-06-22)
      El cáncer es una enfermedad que socialmente se relaciona con dolor, sufrimiento y muerte. Exige importantes recursos y una optimización en la eficacia y eficiencia de las intervenciones ya que implica ...
    • Experiencia e impacto en adolescentes con padres diagnosticados de cáncer 

      Ortuño Usón, Lidia (2016-07-04)
      El cáncer se encuentra entre las primeras enfermedades que amenazan la vida de las personas a nivel mundial. El diagnóstico de cáncer en uno de los padres crea un impacto a todos los niveles para el que ...
    • Functional genomics approaches to elucidate vulnerabilities of intrinsic and acquired chemotherapy resistance 

      Cetin, Ronay; Quandt Herrera, Eva; Kaulich, Manuel (Cells, 2021)
      Drug resistance is a commonly unavoidable consequence of cancer treatment that results in therapy failure and disease relapse. Intrinsic (pre-existing) or acquired resistance mechanisms can be drug-specific ...
    • MMPs/TIMPs and inflammatory signalling de‐regulation in human incisional hernia tissues 

      Guillem Martí, Jordi; Diaz, Ramon; Quiles Pérez, María Teresa; Lopez‐Cano, Manuel; Vilallonga, Ramon; Huguet, Pere; Ramon‐y‐Cajal, Santiago; Sanchez‐Niubo, Albert; Reventós, Jaume; Armengol Carrasco, Manuel; Arbós Vilà, Maria Antonia (Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2009-03-04)
      Incisional hernia is a common and important complication of laparotomies. Epidemiological studies allude to an underlying biological cause, at least in a subset of population. Interest has mainly focused ...
    • Perspectives actuals de les estratègies i beneficis de la comunicació terapèutica en pacients oncològics. 

      Poza Gonzalez, Marina (2015-08-24)
      Enfrontar-se a un diagnòstic de càncer és un repte difícil d’assumir, no només per la complexitat de la malaltia en si, sinó perquè aquesta té un gran impacte psicològic, cultural i social. Els malalts ...
    • Proactive and systematic multidimensional needs assessment in patients with advanced cancer approaching palliative care: a study protocol 

      Pergolizzi, Denise; Crespo, Iris; Balaguer Santamaría, Albert; Monforte Royo, Cristina; Alonso Babarro, Alberto; Arantzamendi, Maria; Belar, Alazne; Centeno, Carlos; Goni Fuste, Blanca; Julià Torras, Joaquim; Martinez, Marina; Mateo Ortega, Dolors; May, Luis; Moreno Alonso, Deborah; Nabal Vicuña, Maria; Noguera, Antonio; Pascual, Antonio; Perez Bret, Encarnacion; Rocafort, Javier; Rodríguez Prat, Andrea; Rodriguez, Dulce; Sala, Carme; Serna, Judith; Porta Sales, Josep (BMJ Open, 2020)
      Introduction The benefits of palliative care rely on how healthcare professionals assess patients’ needs in the initial encounter/s; crucial to the design of a personalised therapeutic plan. However, ...
    • Procesos oncológicos y afectación de la imagen corporal 

      Cunyer i Comenge, Anna Maria (2014-11-22)
      El cáncer es una enfermedad de elevada incidencia que puede desencadenar diferentes modificaciones que afectan a la autopercepción de la imagen corporal y comprometer la calidad de vida del individuo. ...
    • The impact of KRAS mutations on VEGF-A production and tumour vascular network 

      Figueras, Agnès; Arbós Vilà, Maria Antonia; Quiles Pérez, María Teresa; Viñals, Francesc; Germà, Josep Ramón; Capellà, Gabriel (BMC Cancer, 2013-03-18)
      Background: The malignant potential of tumour cells may be influenced by the molecular nature of KRAS mutations being codon 13 mutations less aggressive than codon 12 ones. Their metabolic profile is ...
    • Two opposing faces of retinoic acid: induction of stemness or induction of differentiation depending on cell-type 

      Mezquita, Belén; Mezquita, Cristóbal (Biomolecules, 2019)
      Stem cells have the capacity of self-renewal and, through proliferation and differentiation, are responsible for the embryonic development, postnatal development, and the regeneration of tissues in the ...
    • What makes the palliative care initial encounter meaningful? A descriptive study with patients with cancer, family carers and palliative care professionals 

      Goni-Fuste, Blanca; Pergolizzi, Denise; Monforte-Royo, Cristina; Julià-Torras, Joaquim; Rodríguez Prat, Andrea; Crespo, Iris (Sage Journals, 2023)
      Background: The palliative care initial encounter can have a positive impact on the quality of life of patients and family carers if it proves to be a meaningful experience. A better understanding of ...