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dc.contributor.authorNavarro Gil, Noelia
dc.identifier.citationNavarro Gil, Noelia. The effects of a content-based language course on students’ academic vocabulary production. CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education, 2019, 2(2), p. 25-42. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 10 sep. 2024. DOI: 10.5565/rev/clil.30ca
dc.description.abstractThis study examines the effects of content-based language instruction (CBI)on the production of academic vocabulary in texts written in Englishby university learners enrolled in two different instruction settings, i.e. English as Medium of Instruction –EMI–, and the same programme in the students’ L1 (Catalan/Spanish), over one semester. Both the materials used in class and the learner corpus were examined in order to identify the degree to which they incorporate (i.e. cover) items from three lists of interdisciplinary academic terminology, namely the Academic Vocabulary List (AVL), the Academic Collocations List (ACL) and the Academic Formulas List (AFL). The results indicate that the class material covers 5% of ACL, 32% of AVL, and 64% of AFL, which reflects the academic and pedagogical nature of its contents. In the learner corpus, both L1 and EMI learners produced more general academic and technical words after the course. EMI learners also increased their use of collocations and formulas. The benefits of CBI for acquiring academic terminology and for developing disciplinary literacy are discussed in the light of the two settings of instruction under
dc.publisherUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelonaca
dc.relation.ispartofCLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Educationca
dc.rightsThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
dc.subject.otherInstrucció basada en contingutsca
dc.subject.otherMitjà d'ensenyament de l'anglèsca
dc.subject.otherAlfabetització disciplinàriaca
dc.subject.otherFórmules acadèmiquesca
dc.subject.otherCol·locacions acadèmiquesca
dc.subject.otherVocabulari acadèmicca
dc.subject.otherInstrucción basada en contenidosca
dc.subject.otherMedio de instrucción en inglésca
dc.subject.otherAlfabetización disciplinariaca
dc.subject.otherFórmulas académicasca
dc.subject.otherColocaciones académicasca
dc.subject.otherVocabulario académicoca
dc.subject.otherContent-based instructionca
dc.subject.otherEnglish medium of instructionca
dc.subject.otherDisciplinary literacyca
dc.subject.otherAcademic formulasca
dc.subject.otherAcademic collocationsca
dc.subject.otherAcademic vocabularyca
dc.titleThe effects of a content-based language course on students’ academic vocabulary productionca

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