Ara mostrant els elements 61-79 de 79

    • Sens-Art Space 

      Iyigun, Yeda Alara; Pinto Leite, Carlota (2023)
      Sens-Art Space, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to fostering a truly inclusive art experience, where individuals from all walks of life can revel in the beauty of creativity. Our core mission ...
    • Sentits container: Art Tech 3D 

      Agulla Tagle, Victoria; Sydorava, Iryna (2020)
      Sentits Container se basa en la instalación de un contenedor de 45 pies acondicionado para vivir una serie de experiencias sensoriales. La idea es crear espectáculos audiovisuales para retar la imaginación ...
    • SkateArt 

      Cacioli, Daniela; Luciano, Naomi; Nardone, Livia; Natale, Ludovica Maria (2019-07-10)
      SkateArt is a unique cultural centre in Città dello Sport of Tor Vergata, in the suburbs of Rome, that supports and combines art and sport. It is a safe place where its customers can discover street ...
    • Somia Teatre: proyecto sociocultural en artes escénicas 

      Rivadeneira Nájera, Maria Cristina; Placeres Gómez, Claudia (2020)
      El número de familias en el mundo que se encuentra en situación socioeconómica desfavorable y riesgo de exclusión social ha aumentado exponencialmente. Este grupo humano, debido a su condición, a ...
    • The square: project presentation 

      Dede’, Maria Rita; Tournayre, Emma (2023)
      The Square is a company based on the need of some young artists just out of artistic education (25-30 years old) who do not know their way around the art world and market and would like to make themselves ...
    • Supercultura: espacio cultural en la superilla de Poblenou 

      Mulatti, Paula; Joli, Martina (2021-06-29)
      El proyecto que aquí se propone se enmarca en el modelo de supermanzanas planteado por el arquitecto Salvador Rueda, el cual abre nuevo espacio peatonal uniendo nueve de las tradicionales manzanas del ...
    • Svela Film Festival: a journey to reveal Mediterranean stories 

      Matrige, Juliette; Placanica, Francesca; Volpe, Alix; Weatherall, Barley (2022)
      We are SVELA FESTIVAL, a travelling film festival based on a sailing boat that is dedicated to intercultural exchange in the Mediterranean. We curate a diverse programme of films, documentaries and ...
    • Tartulia 

      Rama, Francesca; Montes, Òscar; Nabiuzzi, Tommaso; Melgarejo, Paula (2021)
      TARTULIA is a contemporary art platform offering innovative channels of communication between stakeholders involved in the contemporary art market. We provide a space for upcoming artists and galleries ...
    • The Textile & Fashion Museum of Mumbai 

      Merchant, Aman; Bayraktar, Ipek (2019-07-10)
      The idea of the Textile and Fashion Museum Mumbai is to preserve, promote and reintegrate the textile heritage of India back to life. TFMM highlights the collective cultural memory of India by revitalizing ...
    • To renew or to die. Meaning, development, and use of the concept “communicative accessibility” in cultural institutions 

      Fortuny Lobato, Aida (2019-07-10)
      The research here presented is a humble approach to the topic “communicative accessibility” in the cultural field using a very curious personal and professional mixture; the tools learned in the master ...
    • To what extent do current European cultural policy evaluation methodologies take into account a general and complex approach to cultural value? 

      Zimnicka, Marianna (2022)
      Public policies are created to address specific needs and demands of citizens, and facilitate growth and development of the society. In order to set successful policies, it is essential that policymakers ...
    • Under museum: supporting artistic expresión for children at war 

      Talala, Kseniia; Alsheddi, Lulu (2023)
    • United Creative Culinary Centers 

      Beacham, Siena; Capa, Marta; Mijares Cisneros, Andreina; Viteri, Maria Emilia (2020)
      The United Creative Culinary Centers (UCCC) project emerged from a desire to alleviate the problem of Global Malnourishment, affecting regional governments and economies. The UCCC replicable model ...
    • Vanis i Fulken: fem fotografía, fem barri 

      Batlle, Mónica; Martos, Sara; Rivera, Gabriela I.; Rodríguez, María (2023)
      El proyecto Vanis i Fulken propone dar un nuevo uso cultural al edificio, actualmente abandonado, situado en la Plaza Ibiza, que albergó el estudio fotográfico “Vanis” y la tienda “Fulken”. El equipamiento ...
    • VERM.OUT 

      Nunes, Filipa; Lahura, Jimena; Muñoz, Tania (2019-07-11)
      Descripción: Plataforma enfocada en la gestión cultural de las artes visuales contemporáneas que favorece el vínculo entre las agentes culturales del sector en el mercado nacional - Portugal - y ...
    • Vision 

      Tomic, Kristina; Santolini, Ilaria; Mocchi, Beatriz (2020)
      How do I increase my audience? How do I get the attention of record labels? How do I get booked for concerts and festivals? Should I find myself a manager? These are some of the questions that many ...
    • #ViureGaudí #VivirGaudí #LivingGaudí 

      Fuster, Yasmín; Montesi, Olivia; Morer, Maria (2020)
      Este proyecto parte de una intuición: el escaso interés que muestran los jóvenes de Barcelona (18-25 años) en visitar los monumentos de Gaudí que se encuentran en su ciudad. Nosotras, como miembros de ...
    • WeCare Festival: atención al final de la vida 

      Báez Flórez, Enya Nathaly Alexandra; Méndez Martínez, Oscar Alfonso José David (2020)
      El siguiente Trabajo Final de Máster realizado por los alumnos Enya Nathaly Alexandra Báez Flórez y Oscar Alfonso José David Méndez Martínez responde a una convocatoria realizada por el UIC ...
    • Wood Design HUB Siberia 

      Nascimento, Renata Procópio; Ostapenko, Sofia; Pecher, Karen (2020)
      Wood ― one of our humanity’s oldest natural resources. It has helped us safe, comfortable and warm for millions of years. We have used wood for so long that most of us don’t really see it anymore, ...