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dc.contributor.authorAlva, Ena
dc.contributor.authorBenzinger, Julia
dc.contributor.authorLuyten, Marie
dc.descriptionTreball Fi de Màster en Gestió Cultural, Facultat d'Humanitats, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Curs: 2019-2020cat
dc.description.abstractEorum Fabula is a production house dedicated to the creation and promotion of interdisciplinary performing arts. It aims to break the patriarchal barriers of leadership in the industry and make space for womxn creative leaders. Eorum Fabula facilitates the creation of new interdisciplinary productions as a means of imparting exciting, unique, and much-needed perspectives of our world. It gives voice to a historically marginalised group by employing a powerful, millenia-old form of storytelling, presented in a thrilling and innovative way, as a compelling tool for societal reflection and change. Representation matters. By bringing visibility to talented and underrepresented artists, the organisation works to challenge established societal norms. Eorum Fabula endeavours to inspire younger generations to celebrate womxn in leadership. Through the promotion and normalisation of womxn in positions of creative direction, it encourages future leaders to fearlessly follow their dreams. For its initial cycle, Eorum Fabula will collaborate with performing arts organisations from Romania, Lithuania, The Netherlands and Finland to gather an international team of womxn artistic leaders. The creative team will be composed of one creative visionary and four collaborators who will be selected through an open call promoted in the five partnering countries. Eorum Fabula celebrates Italy, its birth country and premiere location, by inviting Sara Caneva, 28 year old Italian composer and conductor, and 2020 nominee for the Classical:NEXT Innovation Award, as the creative visionary for Eorum Fabula’s 1st edition. Future creative visionaries will be selected from the open call applicant pool. The organisation will enable the creative team's remote collaboration by providing artist-friendly online tools and opportunities for two residence stays at The International Theatre in Rome. The resulting performances will have their premiere in Rome at the Romaeuropa Festival, one of the top performing arts festivals in Europe. A networking event will be held after the premiere, where artists and representatives of performing arts venues and events will have the chance to meet and make future professional engagements. The networking event is also an opportunity for Eorum Fabula to cultivate relationships with potential future partners and sponsors. The goals of this innovative project are to raise the visibility of creative leaders, provide professional skills development and future opportunities, and raise awareness of the importance of equal representation in positions of creative leadership in the performing arts, especially amongst the
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subject.otherGestió culturalca
dc.subject.otherGestión culturalca
dc.subject.otherPerformance (Art)ca
dc.subject.otherPerformance artca
dc.subject.otherPerformance (Arte)ca
dc.titleEorum Fabulaca

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