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dc.contributor.authorPoulose, Basil
dc.contributor.authorPennacchio, Ilenia
dc.contributor.authorDürbeck, Cassandra
dc.descriptionTreball Fi de Màster en Gestió Cultural, Facultat d'Humanitats, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutor: Christoph Pasourca
dc.description.abstractCrossroads is an internat ional f i lm product ion company that has a legal presence in three count r ies: Germany, I taly and India. The premise of our project is that var ious development organizat ions of ten lack the economic resources and energy to share thei r unique message. Wi thout the r ight representat ion, they may not be able to achieve thei r mission and create sustainable change more quickly and ef fect ively. Large companies, on the other hand, have the funds that the development sector would need. The responsible corporates also want to create a posi t ive image around thei r brand. Crossroads Product ions wi l l be at the hear t of this col laborat ive network. We give the development indust ry a voice and create par tnerships wi th inspi red companies and individuals who want to suppor t . Our audiovisual services wi l l share stor ies of change and create a posi t ive image for par tners. Three count r ies, two cont inents and one mission are our compet i t ive advantage. Our unique knowledge of cul tural customs, awareness of our communi t ies and exper ience in audiovisual product ion adds to our broader mission. We bel ieve in the ' think global - act local ' phi losophy and in i t we see our oppor tuni ty to explore new ways to connect the wor ld and share stor ies of change. The wor ld we l ive in demands sustainabl i l i ty and change. Change is no longer a choice, but a necessi ty. For this reason, suppor t ing those who want to make the wor ld a bet ter place is crucial . Finding sustainable solut ions and creat ing professional oppor tuni t ies in a fai r way is our way of suppor t ing cul ture. The market sectors in which we wi l l operate are ready to receive a project that al igns wi th new t rends in social ent repreneurship, wi thout excluding companies and the development sector . An image says more than a thousand words, for this reason our help wi l l give propulsion to those who need i t and an advantageous image to our par tners. In the course of this document , our unique model wi l l be explained in detai l . We have analyzed the possible chal lenges and compl iment ing solut ions. We also explore the premises which help us rol l out our cul tural business aspi rat ionsca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subject.otherProductores de cineca
dc.subject.otherProductores (Cinematografia)ca
dc.subject.otherMotion pictures--Production and directionca
dc.subject.otherGestió culturalca
dc.subject.otherGestión culturalca
dc.subject.otherDesarrollo sostenibleca
dc.subject.otherDesenvolupament sostenibleca
dc.subject.otherSustainable developmentca
dc.titleCrossroads Productionsca

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