Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • CC-Qual: A holistic scale to assess customer perceptions of service quality of collaborative consumption services 

      Marimon, Frederic; Llach Pagès, Josep; ALONSO ALMEIDA, MARIA DEL MAR; Mas-Machuca, Marta (International Journal of Information Management, 2019-12)
      The paper defines and validates a scale—CC-Qual—to assess the quality of services provided through a Collaborative Consumption (CC) model. The authors have borrowed a set of items arranged in eight ...
    • Determinants of on-line booking loyalties for airline ticket purchasing 

      Llach Pagès, Josep; Marimon, Frederic; ALONSO ALMEIDA, MARIA DEL MAR; Bernardo Vilamitjana, Mercè (Tourism Management, 2013-04)
      The aim of the present study is to understand the impact of e-quality on costumer’s loyalty in the context of the online airplane ticket purchase. For this purpose, quality is divided in two dimensions: ...
    • La gestión del supermercado virtual: Tipificación del comportamiento del cliente online 

      Cristobal-Fransi, Eduard; Marimon, Frederic (Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 2011-01)
      Este artículo analiza diferentes elementos que influyen en el comportamiento de compra del cliente de un supermercado online. Estos elementos están relacionados tanto con aspectos estéticos del sitio ...
    • Impact of service recovery on customer loyalty: a study of e-banking in Spain 

      Marimon, Frederic; Petnji Yaya, Luc Honore; Casadesus, Marti (Review of International Comparative Management, 2011-03)
      The purposes of this study are twofold: (i) to propose and apply a scale to measure service recovery in the electronic banking (e-banking) sector; and (ii) to examine the relationship between service ...
    • Purchasing behaviour in an online supermarket: the applicability of E-S-QUAL 

      Marimon, Frederic; Vidgen, Richard; Barnes, Stuart; Cristobal-Fransi, Eduard (International Journal of Market Research, 2010)
      Purpose: The purpose of this paper is twofold: (i) to assess the applicability of the four dimensions of online service quality as proposed in the E-S-QUAL scale to the setting of an online supermarket; ...
    • Spanish e-consumer segmentation and positioning in virtual supermarkets sector 

      Cristóbal Fransi, Eduard; Marimon Viadiu, Frederic; Daries, Natalia; Montegut Salla, Yolanda (International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2011)
      This article analyses different factors that influence the purchasing behaviour of online supermarket customers. These factors are related to both the appearance of the website as well as the processes ...
    • The spanish e-retailing customers segmentation 

      Cristobal-Fransi, Eduard; Marimon, Frederic; Daries, Natalia; Montegut Salla, Yolanda (Review of International Comparative Management, 2010-12)
      This article analyses different factors that influence the purchasing behaviour of online supermarket customers. These factors are related to both the appearance of the website as well as the processes ...