Now showing items 859-878 of 3574

    • Developing STEM skills in kindergarten: opportunities and challenges from the perspective of future teachers 

      Zdybel, Dorota; Pulak, Irena; Crotty, Yvonne ; Fuertes Camacho, M. Teresa; cinque, maria (Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce, 2019)
      The article has been written as a part of Erasmus+ Project KLab4Kids. Its main aim is to present the idea of STEM education to readers, to explain the interdisciplinary nature of STEM education as a ...
    • Development and validation of a questionnaire of the perioperative nursing competencies in patient safety 

      Peñataro-Pintado, Ester; Rodríguez-Higueras, Encarna; Llauradó-Serra, Mireia; Gómez-Delgado, Noelia; Llorens-Ortega, Rafael; Díaz-Agea, José Luis (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022)
      Background: This research presents the CUCEQS© (Spanish acronym for Questionnaire of Perioperative Nursing Safety Competencies), which evaluates the perception of perioperative nurses about their ...
    • Development and validation of a sample entropy-based method to identify complex patient-ventilator interactions during mechanical ventilation 

      Sarlabous, Leonardo; Aquino‑Esperanza, José; Magrans, Rudys; De Haro, Candelaria; López-Aguilar, Josefina; Subirà Cuyàs, Carles; Batlle, Montserrat; Rué, Montserrat; Gomà Fernández, Gemma; Ochagavia, Ana; Fernández Fernández, Rafael; Blanch, Lluís (Scientific Reports, 2020)
      Patient-ventilator asynchronies can be detected by close monitoring of ventilator screens by clinicians or through automated algorithms. However, detecting complex patient-ventilator interactions (CP-VI), ...
    • Development and validation of the mental health literacy (EMHL) test for spanish adolescents 

      Castellví Obiols, Pere; Casañas, Rocío; Mailen Arfuch, Victoria; Gil Moreno, Juan José; Torres Torres, María; García-Forero, Carlos; Ruiz-Castañeda, Dyanne; Alonso, Jordi; Lalucat-Jo, Lluís (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020)
      There is evidence of the effectiveness of implementing mental health literacy (MHL) programs. However, there are substantial limitations in the instruments available for measuring MHL. This study aimed ...
    • Development of a common scale for measuring healthy ageing across the world: results from the ATHLOS consortium 

      Sanchez‐Niubo, Albert; Garcia Forero, Carlos; Wu, Yu-Tzu; Giné-Vázquez, Iago; Prina, Matthew; De La Fuente, Javier; Daskalopoulou, Christina; Critselis, Elena; De La Torre-Luque, Alejandro; Panagiotakos, Demosthenes; Arndt, Holger; Ayuso-Mateos, José Luis; Bayes-Marin, Ivet; Bickenbach, Jerome; Bobak, Martin; Félix Caballero, Francisco; Chatterji, Somnath; Egea-Cortés, Laia; García-Esquinas, Esther; Leonardi, Matilde; Koskinen, Seppo; Koupil, Ilona; Mellor-Marsa, Blanca; Olaya, Beatriz; Pajak, Andrzej; Prince, Martin; Raggi, Alberto; Rodríguez-Artalejo, Fernando; Sanderson, Warren; Scherbov, Sergei; Tamosiunas, Abdonas; Tobias-Adamczyk, Beata; Tyrovolas, Stefanos; Haro, Josep Maria; ATHLOS Consortium (International Journal of Epidemiology, 2021-06)
      Background: Research efforts to measure the concept of healthy ageing have been diverse and limited to specific populations. This diversity limits the potential to compare healthy ageing across countries ...
    • Development of a Guide to Multidimensional Needs Assessment in the Palliative Care Initial Encounter (MAP) 

      Goni-Fuste, Blanca; Pergolizzi, Denise; Monforte-Royo, Cristina; Alonso-Babarro, Alberto; Belar, Alazne; Crespo, Iris; Güell, Ernest; Julià-Torras, Joaquim; Moreno-Alonso, Deborah; Nabal Vicuña, Maria; Pascual, Antonio; Porta-Sales, Josep; Rocafort, Javier; Rodríguez-Prat, Andrea; Rodríguez, Dulce; Sala, Carme; Serrano-Bermúdez, Gala; Balaguer, Albert (Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 2023-10)
      Context: Ensuring patient-centered palliative care requires a comprehensive assessment of needs beginning in the initial encounter. However, there is no generally accepted guide for carrying out this ...
    • Development of a serum-free medium to aid large-scale production of mycoplasma-based therapies 

      Burgos, Raul; Garcia-Ramallo, Eva; Shaw, Daniel; Lluch-Senar, Maria; Serrano, Luis (Microbiology Spectrum, 2023)
      To assist in the advancement of the large-scale production of safe Mycoplasma vaccines and other Mycoplasma-based therapies, we developed a culture medium free of animal serum and other animal components ...
    • Development of ARCADIA: a tool for assessing the quality of peer-review reports in biomedical research 

      Superchi, Cecilia; Hren, Darko; Blanco de Tena Davila, David; Rius, Roser; Recchioni, Alessandro; Boutron, Isabelle; González, José Antonio (BMJ Open, 2020)
      Objective: To develop a tool to assess the quality of peer-review reports in biomedical research. Methods We conducted an online survey intended for biomedical editors and authors. The survey aimed to ...
    • Development of biomimetic NiTi alloy: influence of thermo-chemical treatment on the physical, mechanical and biological behavior 

      Rupérez de Gracia, Elisa; Manero Planella, José María; Bravo-González, Luis Alberto; Espinar-Escalona, Eduardo; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier (Materials, 2016)
      A bioactive layer, free of nickel, has been performed for its greater acceptability and reliability in clinical applications for NiTi shape memory alloys. In the first step, a safe barrier against Ni ...
    • Development of C75-CoA loaded polymeric micelles targeting brain CPT1A: A novel nanomedicine-based approach to fight obesity and cancer 

      García-Chica, Jesús (Date of defense: 2024-02-14)
      Brain lipid metabolism has a key role in many physiological processes, and its malfunction is associated with a plethora of diseases, such as obesity and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Carnitine palmitoyl ...
    • Development of novel bioinks formulations based on supramolecular self-assembled hydrogels for tissue regeneration. 

      Merino Gómez, María (Date of defense: 2023-05-16)
      The field of tissue engineering relies on the use of biomaterials as scaffolds for tissue and organ regeneration. If properly designed, these scaffolds can mimic the in vivo microenvironment while also ...
    • Development of sol-gel silica-based 3D printable materials with tunable degradation, mechanical properties and drug release capacity for tissue engineering 

      Rodríguez González, Raquel (Date of defense: 2023-05-31)
      The bone is a very complex organ that participates in multiple critical functions for the human body. Bone can be affected by different health issues, such as physical trauma or tumor, and the body ...
    • Development of standard protocols for biofilm-biomaterial interface testing 

      Cieplik, Fabian; Aparicio, Conrado; Kreth, Jens; Schmalz, Gottfried (JADA Foundational Science, 2022)
      The oral biofilm is associated with the most common oral diseases such as caries, periodontitis, and peri-implantitis. It is also linked to failures of dental treatment approaches (eg, direct or indirect ...
    • Development of tantalum scaffold for orthopaedic applications produced by space-holder method 

      Rupérez de Gracia, Elisa; Manero Planella, José María; Riccardi Hernandez, Kiara; Li, Yuping; Aparicio Bádenas, Conrado José; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier (Materials & Design, 2015-10-15)
      In the present study, production of tantalum porous scaffolds using the space holder technique was performed. The effect of size and content of sodium chloride particles, used as space holder, as well ...
    • Una década explorando el liderazgo educativo, ¿y ahora qué? 

      Tintore, Mireia (International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 2023)
    • Dia de Darwin 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2021-02-12)
      Avui, 12 de febrer es commemora un any més el naixement de Charles Darwin, un dels científics més importants del segle XIX. En una setmana plena de ciència, tanquem amb aquest gran ciantífic, pare del ...
    • Dia de la Dona 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2019-03-06)
      Post a l'Instagram de Biblioteques UIC sobre el Dia Internacional de les Dones.
    • Dia de la Dona 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2022-03-08)
      A la Biblioteca UIC Barcelona celebrem aquest dia com més ens agrada, amb llibres. Us hem portat un munt de novetats i una selecció de llibres relacionats amb la dona. Els podeu trobar tots al carrusel ...
    • Dia de la dona a la biblioteca 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, 2024-03-08)
      Un any més, a la Biblioteca UIC Barcelona celebrem aquest dia com més ens agrada, amb llibres. Hem creat un espai amb una selecció de llibres relacionats amb la dona. Els podeu trobar tots al carrusel ...
    • Dia de la Madre 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2023-05-07)
      Aquest diumenge és el Dia de la mare, per això nosaltres, des de Biblioteca hem volgut col·laborar i us hem deixat una selecció de llibres electrònics amb temàtica "maternal" al nostre portal d'ebooks. ...