Now showing items 2898-2917 of 3474

    • Role of CPT1C in breast cancer development and chemoresistance 

      Muley Vilamú, Helena (Date of defense: 2021-07-14)
      Carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 (CPT1) are enzymes that catalyze the conversion of long-chain acyl-CoA to acyl-carnitines, to transport long-chain fatty acids across intracellular membranes. CPT1C ...
    • The role of socioemotional wellbeing difficulties and adversity in the L2 acquisition of first-generation refugee children 

      Paradis, Johanne; Soto-Corominas, Adriana; Vitoroulis, Irene; Al Janaideh, Redab; Chen, Xi; Gottardo, Alexandra; Jenkins, Jennifer; Georgiades, Katholiki (Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2022)
      First-generation refugee children often experience pre- and post-migration adversity and display high levels of mental health/wellbeing difficulties, but to date, research has not examined the impact ...
    • Role of the NUDT enzymes in breast cancer 

      Wright, Roni H.G.; Beato, Miguel (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021)
      Despite global research efforts, breast cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide. The majority of these deaths are due to metastasis occurring years after the initial treatment ...
    • Root 

      Fontana Rava, Filippo; Falconi, Matteo (2023)
      Welcome to ROOT, the unique fashion fair for sustainable and ethical fashion brands in Milan. Our mission is to bring together the best and brightest in the sustainable fashion sector, highlighting ...
    • Root canal morphology of Chalcolithic and early bronze age human populations of El Mirador Cave (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain) 

      Ceperuelo, Dolors; Lozano, Marina; Duran-Sindreu, Fernando; Mercadé, Montse (The Anatomical Record, 2014)
      This study provides a morphological characterization of the inner anatomy of the root canals of permanent first and second molars in Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age human fossils using cone-beam ...
    • Root membrane replantation as an alternative technique for the socket preservation 

      FRANCESCO, CAMPIONE; Ludovica, Campione; campione, mario; Melillo, Michele; ARENA, Claudia; Abella Sans, Fransesc; Boschini, Luca (Case Reports in Dentistry, 2022)
      Background and Overview. Socket shield is a technique that allows the maintenance of tissue volumes. In the reported clinical case, the replantation of the buccal root fragment mistakenly extracted ...
    • El rostre i les mans de la COVID-19: un tast de distopia 

      Escribano, Xavier (Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia, 2021)
      Partint de l’experiència pandèmica com a perspectiva filosòfica, aquesta contribució versa sobre les diferents formes de privació sensorial que han afectat la nostra experiència sensible durant el període ...
    • Roughness and wettability effect on histological and mechanical response of self-drilling orthodontic mini-implants 

      Espinar Escalona, Eduardo; BRAVO-GONZÁLEZ, LUIS-ALBERTO; PEGUEROLES, MARTA; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier (Clinical Oral Investigations, 2016)
      Self-drilling orthodontic mini-implants can be used as temporary devices for orthodontic treatments. Our main goal was to evaluate surface characteristics, roughness and wettability, of surface modified ...
    • La ruptura con el objetivismo en Gabriel Marcel y Maurice Merleau-Ponty 

      Escribano, Xavier (Convivium: revista de filosofía, 2011)
      Aunque no suela aplicarse a Gabriel Marcel el título de “primer fenomenólogo francés”, su original estilo de reflexión y su personalidad filosófica supuso un importante estímulo para la joven generación ...
    • Ruralitza't: bringing culture back to its roots 

      Lopez, Bianca; Mediavilla, Lara; Wilson, Maggie (2022)
      We dedicate this project to the past, present, and future of Cataloniathe one that has inspired, guided and transformed us. Our shared love for this culture prompted this project, we trust that the ...
    • S'ha publicat el JCR 2022 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2022-07-01)
      Ja es poden consultar des del catàleg de Biblioteca (enllaç a la bio) les dades del Journal Citation Reports del 2022, que corresponen a l'índex de qualitat del 2021.
    • Sabies que hem fet canvis a la biblioteca? 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2021-09-16)
    • Safe Cultural Heritage 

      Nematollahi, Ehsan; Chzhu, Klaudia (2020)
      A non-profit organization in form of association 'Safe Cultural Heritage’ was founded in 2020 to establish a new approach towards protection of cultural properties by bringing the message that geographical ...
    • Safety and efficacy of devices delivering Inhaled antibiotics among adults with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: a systematic review and a network meta-analysis 

      Tejada, Sofia; Ramírez-Estrada, Sergio; G. Forero, Carlos; Gallego, Miguel; B. Soriano, Joan; Cardinal-Fernández, Pablo A.; Ehrmann, Stephan; Rello, Jordi (Antibiotics, 2022)
      It remains unknown whether the type of aerosol generating device is affecting efficacy and safety among non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFB) adults. The proposal of this network meta-analysis (NMA) ...
    • Safety and visual outcomes following posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens bilensectomy 

      Vargas, Veronica; Alió, Jorge L.; Barraquer, Rafael Ignacio; D’ Antin, Justin Christopher; García, Cristina; Duch, Francisco; Balgos, Joan; Alió del Barrio, Jorge L. (Eye and Vision, 2020)
      Background: To evaluate the safety, efficacy, refractive outcomes and causes for bilensectomy (phakic intraocular lens – pIOL – explantation with cataract surgery and pseudophakic intraocular lens ...
    • Sala d'estudi 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2019-01-08)
      Inici d'any
    • Sales d'estudi Barcelona: horaris 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2021-05-17)
      Amb l'objectiu d'oferir un bon servei, des de Biblioteca hem habilitat dues sales a l'edifici de Terrè per tal que tingueu més espai per estudiar. L'horari serà de 15 a 21 h, de dilluns a divendres. ...
    • Sales d'estudi: recordatori 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2021-05-18)
      Amb l'objectiu d'oferir un bon servei, des de Biblioteca habilitarem durant els dies de més afluència als dos campus, unes sales extres, per tal que tingueu més espais per a estudiar. Esteu atents a les ...
    • Sales de treball (Campus Iradier) 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2020-10-29)
      Donada la situació actual, relacionada amb la crisi sanitària, a partir d'avui dijous 29 d'octubre i fins a nou avís, les sales de treball romandran tancades.
    • Salvador Giner. Ideas cabales. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2018 

      Grau-Grau, Marc (Revista Española de Sociología, 2021)