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dc.contributor.authorBets, Marie-Claire
dc.contributor.authorBonilla, Michelle
dc.contributor.authorGamboa, Brian
dc.contributor.authorRabinad, Marina
dc.description.abstractRationale: There is a stressing need to create a creative nexus between the entertainment business and the art and culture offer in a way that transcends the classical corporate model where economic gain is the most paramount. Creativity in our model will stem from an innovative juxtapositioning of artistic, cultural, scientific, technological material in a way that is both entertaining and educational. Point of departure: Our key offer is a “Museum Ride”, meaning an actual indoor roller coaster thematic ride in Tibidabo attraction park, Barcelona, which resembles an educational museum tour, for a pilot phase. Around this core product, we are offering other products/services that are further explained under the product mix section. Vision and mission: Our vision is one of a community that engages with art and culture in life changing experiences. To do this, our mission is to boost the intergenerational cultural participation of those communities we are present in, building partnerships and collaborations with local museums and cultural institutions in an effort to reimagine traditional museum and theme park experiences. Objectives and goals 1. Building a flexible and innovative business model that can be scaled up and/or replicated. 2. Increase in participation of local families in multisensory and multimedia cultural experiences. 3. Raise awareness about a broad spectrum of themes through a tailor-designed cultural program of workshops year round. 4. Rekindle the collective interest in museums and other conventional cultural institutionsen
dc.rightsThis TFG is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)es
dc.subject.otherProjecte culturalca
dc.subject.otherPla de comunicacióca
dc.subject.otherProyecto culturales
dc.subject.otherPlan de comunicaciónes
dc.subject.otherCultural projecten
dc.subject.otherCommunication planen
dc.titleArt x 12: Museum Ridesen

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This TFG is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
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