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dc.contributor.authorFuertes Camacho, M. Teresa
dc.contributor.authorDulsat Ortiz, Carles
dc.contributor.authorAlvarez Canovas, Isabel
dc.identifier.citationFuertes-Camacho, Maria Teresa; Dulsat-Ortiz, Carles; Álvarez-Cánovas, Isabel. Reflective practice in times of COVID-19: a tool to improve education for sustainable development in pre-service teacher training. Sustainability, 2021, 13(11), 6261. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 7 jul. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/su13116261ca
dc.description.abstractCrisis situations such as the current Covid-19 pandemic are a catalyst for change. This study stresses the need to work towards achieving quality education, and to prepare future teachers in sustainability competencies. The research questions are related to the key competencies necessary to accelerate change and to how to increase awareness and literacy of the SDGs in higher education. A quantitative methodology aimed at improving the training of future teachers who engage in reflective and critical thinking was used. Data were gathered on the level of reflection of students from three Spanish universities. The instrument used, the Reflective Practice Questionnaire, includes concepts defined in the literature related to reflective capacity such as Reflection in Action, Reflection on Action and Reflection with Others. The results of the study provide quantitative data showing a positive impact of reflective practice on future teachers. Education for sustainable development requires participatory methods that motivate and empower students to change their behaviour. Reflective practice must be accompanied by processes of communication and supervision that encourage confidence and the desire to improve. Training future teachers in reflective practice should be a differentiating element to achieve quality education, allowing adaptation to current and future adverse situations.en
dc.rightsThis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.en
dc.subject.otherSustainable development goals (SDGs)en
dc.subject.otherQuality education (SDG 4)en
dc.subject.otherEducation for sustainable development (ESD)en
dc.subject.otherReflective practice questionnaire (RPQ)en
dc.subject.otherCritical and reflective thinkingen
dc.subject.otherSustainable competènciesen
dc.subject.otherPre-service teacher trainingen
dc.subject.otherCOVID-19 (malaltia)ca
dc.subject.otherObjectius de desenvolupament sostenible (ODS)ca
dc.subject.otherEducació de qualitat (ODS 4)ca
dc.subject.otherEducació per al desenvolupament sostenible (EDS)ca
dc.subject.otherQüestionari de pràctica reflexiva (RPQ)ca
dc.subject.otherPensament crític i reflexiuca
dc.subject.otherCompetències sosteniblesca
dc.subject.otherFormació prèvia del professoratca
dc.subject.otherObjetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS)es
dc.subject.otherEducación de calidad (ODS 4)es
dc.subject.otherEducación para el desarrollo sostenible (EDS)es
dc.subject.otherCuestionario de práctica reflexiva (RPQ)es
dc.subject.otherPensamiento crítico y reflexivoes
dc.subject.otherConciencia de sí mismoes
dc.subject.otherCompetencias sostenibleses
dc.subject.otherFormación inicial del profesoradoes
dc.titleReflective practice in times of COVID-19: a tool to improve education for sustainable development in pre-service teacher trainingen

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