Now showing items 1611-1630 of 2387

    • nCPAP-induced nasal injury: case series and brief literature review 

      Cavicchioli, Paola; Silecchia, Valeria; Valerio, Enrico; Fantinato, Margherita; Giovannini, Irene; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon; Cutrone, Mario (Journal of Respiratory Research, 2019-12)
      nCPAP-induced nose skin injury is a common issue in NICUs all over the world. Damage may vary from simple hyperemia in the region of application of nasal cannulae up to complete destruction of the ...
    • Necesidades básicas humanas, violencia y perdón: una lectura psicológica 

      JIMENEZ ROBLES, JUAN MANUEL (Revista Humanitats, 2020)
      Los seres humanos somos seres relacionales con distintas necesidades básicas individuales y grupales. En nuestro anhelo por satisfacer nuestras necesidades podemos entrar en conflicto con otros seres ...
    • El neoestoicismo en la Vida de Boecio (1642) de Don Francisco de Montcada: una propuesta ético-histórica en tiempos de declinación 

      Baró Queralt, Xavier (Pedralbes: revista d'història moderna, 2007)
      Francesc de Montcada (1586-1635) va ser un polític i historiador que va desenvolupar la seva activitat intel·lectual i de govern al llarg de les primeres dècades del segle XVII. Com historiador, la seva ...
    • Neonatal gastric perforation and non invasive mechanical ventilation 

      Domingo Lagman, Elizabeth; Alsina-Casanova, Miguel; de Haro Jorge, Irene; Carrasco Carrasco, Cristina; Palacio, Marta Teresa (Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2022)
    • Neonatal mastauxe (breast enlargement of the newborn) 

      Silecchia, Valeria; Cutrone, Mario; Valerio, Enrico; Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Journal of Respiratory Research, 2019-09)
      Neonatal Mastauxe (NM) represents a common, well known and physiologic condition that requires simple observation and parental reassurance. "Giant" NM (exceeding 3 cm of diameter) is an infrequent ...
    • Neoplasia Intraepitelial Cervical grado II y III: Estudio morfométrico de sus diferencias y relación con el Virus del Papiloma Humano 

      Carrasco García, Miguel Ángel (2011-04-12)
      El propòsit del nostre treball és valorar morfomètricament les diferències existents entre la Neoplàsia Intraepitelial Cervical (CIN) grau 2 i 3, així com el tipus de Virus del Papil·loma Humà (VPH) ...
    • La neuroética como ética fundamental 

      Corcó, Josep (Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación e Información Filosófica, 2017)
      En su libro Braintrust, la neurofilósofa Patricia Churchland expone sus ideas sobre lo que la neurociencia ha aportado hasta el momento al estudio de las bases neurológicas del comportamiento ético de ...
    • Neuromuscular response what is it and how to measure it? 

      Pérez Bellmunt, Albert; Llurda-Almuzara, Luis; Simon, Mathias; Navarro, Raul; Casasayas Cos, Oriol; López-de-Celis, Carlos; Seijas, Roberto; Alavarez, Pedro (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal, 2019)
      The neuromuscular response or neuromuscular function is a set of biomechanical and viscoelastic properties about the muscular and fascia tissue. These characteristics are fundamental for the rehabilitation ...
    • New applanation tonometer for myopic patients after laser refractive surgery 

      Iglesias, María; Yebra, Francisco; Kudsieh, Bachar; Laiseca, Andrea; Santos, Cristina; Nadal, Jeroni; Barraquer, Rafael Ignacio; Casaroli-Marano, Ricardo P. (Scientific Reports, 2020)
      This study assesses the agreement between intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements taken with the Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) and a new experimental applanation tonometer with a convexly shaped ...
    • New approaches to Enrique Granados’ pedagogical methods and pianistic tradition: a case study of valses poéticos op.43 

      Estrada Bascuñana, Carolina (Diagonal: An Ibero-American Music Review, 2017)
      This paper presents the outcomes of a three-year doctoral investigation, in which the author examines stylistic and aesthetic trends in the performances of Granados, with the aim of producing a detailed ...
    • New bactericide orthodonthic archwire: NiTi with silver nanoparticles 

      Gil Mur, Francisco Javier; Espinar Escalona, Eduardo; Clusellas, Núria; Fernandez-Bozal, Javier; Artés Ribas, Montserrat; Puigdollers, Andreu (Metals, 2020)
      A potential new bactericide treatment for NiTi orthodontic archwires based in the electrodeposition of silver nanoparticles on the surface was studied. Twenty-five archwires were treated by electrodeposition, ...
    • New cases and mutations in SEC23B gene causing congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II 

      Mara Musri, Melina; Venturi, Veronica; Ferrer-Cortès, Xènia; Romero-Cortadellas, Lídia; Hernández, Gonzalo; Leoz, Pilar; Ricard Andrés, María Pilar; Morado, Marta; Fernández Valle, María del Carmen; Beneitez Pastor, David; Ortuño Cabrero, Ana; Moreno Gamiz, Maite; Senent Peris, Leonor; Perez-Valencia, Amanda Isabel; Pérez-Montero, Santiago; Tornador, Cristian; Sánchez, Mayka (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023)
      Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II (CDA II) is an inherited autosomal recessive blood disorder which belongs to the wide group of ineffective erythropoiesis conditions. It is characterized by ...
    • New cases of hypochromic microcytic anemia due to mutations in the SLC11A2 gene and functional characterization of the G75R mutation 

      Romero-Cortadellas, Lídia; Hernández, Gonzalo; Ferrer-Cortès, Xènia; Zalba-Jadraque, Laura; Fuster, José Luis; Bermúdez-Cortés, Mar; Galera-Miñarro, Ana María; Pérez-Montero, Santiago; Tornador, Cristian; Sánchez, Mayka (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022)
      Divalent metal-iron transporter 1 (DMT1) is a mammalian iron transporter encoded by the SLC11A2 gene. DMT1 has a vital role in iron homeostasis by mediating iron uptake in the intestine and kidneys and ...
    • New insights of SF1 neurons in hypothalamic regulation of obesity and diabetes 

      Fosch, Anna; Zagmutt, Sebastián; Casals i Farré, Núria; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Rosalía (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021)
      Despite the substantial role played by the hypothalamus in the regulation of energy balance and glucose homeostasis, the exact mechanisms and neuronal circuits underlying this regulation remain poorly ...
    • New mutations in HFE2 and TFR2 genes causing non HFE-related hereditary hemochromatosis 

      Hernández, Gonzalo; Ferrer-Cortès, Xenia; Venturi, Veronica; Musri, Melina; Floor Pilquil, Martin; Muñoz Torres, Pau Marc; Hernandez Rodríguez, Ines; Ruiz Mínguez, Maria Àngels; Kelleher, Nicholas J.; Pelucchi, Sara; Piperno, Alberto; Plensa Alberca, Esther; Gener Ricós, Georgina; Cañamero Giró, Eloi; Pérez-Montero, Santiago; Tornador, Cristian; Villà-Freixa, Jordi; Sánchez, Mayka (Genes, 2021)
      Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an iron metabolism disease clinically characterized by excessive iron deposition in parenchymal organs such as liver, heart, pancreas, and joints. It is caused by ...
    • New partners identified by mass spectrometry assay reveal functions of NCAM2 in neural cytoskeleton organization 

      Parcerisas, Antoni; Ortega-Gascó, Alba; Hernaiz Llorens, Marc; Odena Caballol, Maria Antonia; Ulloa, Fausto; de Oliveira, Eliandre; Bosch, Miquel; Pujadas, Lluís; Soriano, Eduardo (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021)
      Neuronal cell adhesion molecule 2 (NCAM2) is a membrane protein with an important role in the morphological development of neurons. In the cortex and the hippocampus, NCAM2 is essential for proper ...
    • New paths to external collaboration in NPD projects 

      Gheshmi, Reza (Date of defense: 2019-10-08)
      According to the strategic management, open innovation, and project management literatures, the notion that SMEs can enhance their innovation ability by developing knowledge resources has become important ...
    • The new standard Is biodigital: durable and elastic 3D-printed biodigital clay bricks 

      Estevez, Alberto T.; Abdallah, Yomna (Biomimetics, 2022)
      In a previously published study, the authors explained the formal design efficiency of the 3D-printed biodigital clay bricks 3DPBDCB: a project that aimed to change the conventional methods of clay brick ...
    • New ultrasound-guided approach to access to the posterolateral part of intervertebral lumbar discs: a cadaveric study 

      Rodríguez-Sanz, Jacobo; Borrella Andrés, Sergio; López-de-Celis, Carlos; Albarova-Corral, Isabel; Albert, Pérez-Bellmunt; Bueno-Gracia, Elena; Malo Urriés, Miguel (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2024)
      Background: Approximately 40% of chronic low back pain patients have a discogenic origin. In relation to intervertebral disc injuries, most of them are in the posterior and lateral zone of the disc, ...