Now showing items 153-172 of 3574

    • Algunes reflexions sobre l’ús de la llengua a la Catalunya barroca i la superació del concepte de decadència 

      Baró Queralt, Xavier (Revista de Dret Històric Català, 2019)
      Fins fa relativament poc, la historiografia i la cultura catalanes de l’època moderna, sobretot del segle xvii, es consideraven una etapa decadent de la cultura catalana. En els darrers anys, aquest ...
    • Algunes tasques de Biblioteca 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2021-10-22)
      Avui volem compartir amb vosaltres algunes de les tasques que duen a terme a la Biblioteca i que potser no ho havíeu ni imaginat.
    • Alicia al país de les meravelles 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2022-01-14)
      Tal dia com avui fa 124 anys de la mort de Lewis Carroll, autor de les obres Alícia al país de les meravelles i Alícia a través del mirall, clàssics de la literatura infantil; però no només són llibres ...
    • All-in-one trifunctional strategy: a cell adhesive, bacteriostatic and bactericidal coating for titanium implants 

      Hoyos Nogués, Mireia; Buxadera-Palomero, Judit; Ginebra Molins, Maria Pau; Manero Planella, José María; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier; Mas Moruno, Carlos (Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2018-09)
      Strategies to inhibit initial bacterial adhesion are extremely important to prevent infection on biomaterial surfaces. However, the simultaneous attraction of desired eukaryotic cells remains a challenge ...
    • Allergic contact dermatitis by beryllium chloride as unique sensitivity: a case report 

      Grimalt Santacana, Ramon (Dermatology Open Journal, 2019)
      Beryllium can be found in silver alloy, in costume jewelry and in dental prosthesis. It is also used in aerospace industry and might be also found in precision instruments. Pure contact dermatitis to ...
    • Alterations in p53, microsatellite stability and lack of MUC5AC expression as molecular features of colorectal carcinoma associated with inflammatory bowel disease 

      Hijós, Míriam Gené; Cuatrecasas, Miriam; Amat, Irene; VEIGA BARREIRO, JESUS ALBERTO; Fernández-Aceñero, Mª Jesús; Fusté Chimisana, Victòria; Tarragona, Jordi; Jurado, Ismael; Fernández-Victoria, Rebeca; Martínez Ciarpaglini, Carolina; Alenda, Cristina; Zac, Carlos; Ortega de la Obra, Pilar; Fernández-Figueras, María Teresa; Esteller, Manel; Musulen, Eva (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023)
      Colitis-associated colorectal carcinoma (CAC) occurs in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) because of the “chronic inflammation-dysplasia-cancer” carcinogenesis pathway characterized by p53 alterations ...
    • La alteridad mal explicada: una visión alternativa sobre el problema de las otras mentes 

      Fernandez-Borsot, Gabriel (Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista De Estudios Interdisciplinares, 2016)
      Tomando como punto de partida la tesis de Arana en La conciencia inexplicada(de que la conciencia es inexplicable por métodos naturalistas), la ponencia defiende una visión de la capacidad de alteridad ...
    • Alternatives to conventional hospitalization for improving lack of access to inpatient beds: a 12-year cross-sectional analysis 

      Corbella Virós, Xavier; Ortiga Fontgivell, Berta; Juan, Antoni; Ortega, Nuria; Gomez-Vaquero, Carmen; Capdevila, Cristina; Bardes, Ignasi; Alonso, Gilberto; Ferre, Carles; Soler, Maria; Mañez, Rafael; Jaurrieta, Eduardo; Pujol, Ramón; Salazar Soler, Albert (Journal of Hospital Administration, 2013-12-17)
      Background/Objective: When hospitals cannot guarantee available hospital beds for inpatient admission, patients are exposed to prolonged waits, cancellations and diversions that negatively affect their ...
    • Al·lergologia en xarxa. Un mou model assistencial per especialitats mèdiques 

      Ferré Ybarz, Laia (Date of defense: 2015-06-04)
      L’any 2005 el Servei d’Al·lèrgia de la Fundació Althaia realitza l’activitat assistencial exclusivament a l'Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Manresa. Davant l’increment de la demanda assistencial es realitza ...
    • Amor contemplativo en los orígenes de Occidente. Un estudio sobre la necesidad humana del amor. 

      González Silvestre, Luz (Date of defense: 2013-03-14)
      La tesis es una contribución a la noción de amor que está en las raíces culturales y espirituales de occidente, desde un enfoque de su necesidad humana. El estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el amor ...
    • Ampliem el fons d'ebooks de Dret! 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2020-03-31)
      Per continuar recolzant als nostres estudiants, hem ampliat el nostre catàleg d'ebooks sobre dret a la nostra biblioteca digital. Com ja sabeu, podeu accedir al nostre portal d'ebooks des del catàleg ...
    • Ampliem el servei de préstec i devolucions a partir del proper 1 de juliol 

      Servei de Biblioteca - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Instagram - Servei de Biblioteca (@bibliouic) - UIC Barcelona, 2020-06-29)
      Us comuniquem que ampliem el servei de Préstec i Devolucions a partir de demà, 1 de juliol. Us atendrem a les biblioteques dels dos campus, de dilluns a divendres, de 10 a 13h. Important!! No es permet ...
    • AMWAJ 

      El Ouady, Manal; Stein, Charlotte; Barbier, Charles (2021)
      AMWAJ, center for art and innovation center will promote Contemporary African Art using an immersive exhibition format, facilitating the use of new technologies by contemporary artists through training ...
    • An analysis of the ethics of principles, 40 years later 

      Roqué Sánchez, María Victoria; Macpherson, Ignacio (Revista Bioética, 2018)
      La Bioética de principios se ha convertido en un paradigma de la valoración moral en la práctica clínica. La estructuración en cuatro principios (autonomía, beneficencia, no maleficencia y justicia), ...
    • An effect of bilingualism on the auditory cortex 

      Ressel, Volker; Pallier, Christopher; Ventura-Campos, Noelia; Díaz Menéndez, Begoña; Roessler, Abeba; Ávila, César; Sebastián-Gallés, Núria (Journal of Neuroscience, 2012-11)
      Two studies (Golestani et al., 2007; Wong et al., 2008) have reported a positive correlation between the ability to perceive foreign speech sounds and the volume of Heschl's gyrus (HG), the structure ...
    • An empirical analysis of the effects of human resource management practices on job satisfaction in non-profit organizations 

      Bastida Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic; Carreras Roig, Lluís (Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2017-12-14)
      The purpose of this study is to establish a measurement scale for human resource management (HRM) practices in nonprofit organizations and to analyze their impact on the job satisfaction of their ...
    • An empirical study of the relationships within the categories of the EFQM model 

      Heras, Iñaki; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesus, Marti (Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 2012)
      The relationships within the categories of the EFQM self-assessment model are analysed in this article, based on 242 independent assessments carried out in the European region with the highest density ...
    • An exploratory investigation of traditional stalking and cyberstalking victimization among university students in Spain and the United States: a comparative analysis 

      Fernández-Cruz, Victoria; Agustina, José R.; Ngo, Fawn (Revista d'Internet, Dret i Política, 2021)
      Traditional stalking and cyberstalking have become a signifi cant legal and social issue in today’s society. Although a sizeable body of research on stalking victimization and perpetration currently ...
    • An Hfe-dependent pathway mediates hyposideremia in response to lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in mice 

      Roy, Cindy N.; Custodio, Angel O.; de Graaf, Jos; Schneider, Susanne; Akpan, Imo; Montross, Lynne K.; Sanchez, Mayka; Gaudino, Alessandro; Hentze, Matthias W.; Andrews, Nancy C.; Muckenthaler, Martina U. (Nature Genetics, 2004)
      Inflammation influences iron balance in the whole organism. A common clinical manifestation of these changes is anemia of chronic disease (ACD; also called anemia of inflammation). Inflammation reduces ...
    • An interview with Dr. Ruth Breeze and Dr. Florentina Taylor on foreign language teaching and learning 

      Jiménez-Yáñez, Ricardo-María (Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 2015-09-14)
      Dr. Ruth Breeze received her degree in Modern and Medieval Languages from the University of Cambridge and subsequently completed a master's degree from the same university. She has a PhD in language ...